Learn to Ignore

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When I try to be who I am,
Nothing was like what it be,
My world goes down and
I got an invisible gown,

Though I never got to know;that
being fake is what I have to be,
From head to toe I have to be a blow.
I am never been a fake charm...

My fashion was of 1990s,
And said never to know about fashion of 20s.
My feels was worn, my heart was torn;
When someone call me a Circus clown.

When I got a bully's punch, with a loud thud,
My demon said to fight you fuckin nerd.
My tears are obviously spare,
when even God doesn't even heard my prayers.

I should've to change myself,
Ignore other's and to be myself
Because this is me not they,
If I be what I am, they would surely fade away.

This is what we all who are insulted should know, to Ignore. They can easily swallow the weak. Never think that they are better, because there would be something that they don't have what you have. If you are been insulted, learn how to answer them.

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