Chapter 1

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What would you think if you gained the power of your favourite video game character but then found out later on that apparently that video game doesn't exist anymore? It'd be pretty cool right? If you thought it would be cool, then your right, it is cool.

Question is though, what character's powers would you gain? Link? Sans? Kirby? Bowser maybe? Nah, our character Ben Bones got the powers of Steve/Alex from Minecraft.

Now, I know what some of you may be thinking, that what idiotic mother-f**ker would choose Steve of all characters. Well, when you think about it it's pretty darn cool.

One, creative mode, yes he can do that. He cannot take damage in any way, shape or form and he can spawn different mobs who surprisingly look like the real thing, even the hostile mobs look realistic. The blocks however were not, they were still blocky, and the weapons and armour weren't blocky. Ben has a theory that he got the power off of his computer, which had the orespawn mod on it.

How did he know this? Well, he may have accidentally went to the brown ant dimension and he may have killed the King, turning him into the King which kinda freaked him out. It's not easy from being human to giant 3 headed dragon of death. He also spawned the Queen and killed it too meaning when he turned into the queen he changed gender, which was really weird.

Anyway, he was getting off track, next ability of Steve/him which is cool. Spectator mode. This means while he cannot interact with the world around him he goes completely invisible and intangible as if he didn't exist. He could also fly meaning there was no place that could stop him from entering, and no, he did not try to steal someone else's cookies at school because he was hungry.

With uh, his strength, well, I'm not really good at maths so I'm going to let this video explain(go check him out he's really cool).

(Check out this guy's channel, as well as the other video I'm going to show)

Fair to say, it took him a while to get used to his new strength.

Oh yes, commands, they were awesome. It didn't mean he he to go in creative all the time to get what he wanted, he could just use a command to do it while still in survival.

Oh my goodness! I completely forgot to introduce the character of Ben Bones. Well, Ben Bones is a 12 year old child, roughly 3 ft 4 inches, yeah, he's diagnosed with dwarfism that's why! He had spiky black shoulder length hair and had smooth pale skin. He had no relatives to speak of so he lived on his own in a house of his own creation(not in creative), which was a medium sized, two story oak wood house with oak log outlining the edges. The first floor consisted of essentials like crafting tables, furnaces, an anvil, storage chests, an enchantment table(with bookcases)and etc. The top floor was his bedroom which consisted of a double bed, a desk with a computer, a TV and a playstation. What, you didn't think everything was minecraftian as he called it.

He also had a basement, which was really a basement, more like an underground mining network that goes over 1000 blocks down in different floors. He didn't really have much else to do. To get down there he needed to take a minecart, which also led him to a portal to the nether. Turns out anything that wasn't minecraftian in nature would pretty much instantly vaporize n there.

Speaking of minecraftian, he had quite a few pets as well. He had two wolves called Padfoot and Snuffles, a reference to Sirius Black from Harry Potter. He had a cat called Tammy, a parrot called Peter and an iron golem called Gary.

The story starts with Ben taking a nice stroll through the woods. He had just gotten out of school for summer holidays and was taking this stroll as a reward he doesn't know how long he had walked, only that something other than trees and grass caught his attention.

It was a towering facility that was heavily guarded from all sides with the logo 'Secure Contain Protect'. One part of ihm said to leave and never turn back but it was overpowered by his overwhelming curiosity.

Using his mind, he opened the text section, which he still couldn't quite get over, and typed in(using his mind)"/gamemode spectator" and off he went to the facility. Using spectator mode was really weird because unlike in Minecraft, you can actually feel it, or in this case feel nothing. To everyone else, he did not exist and it felt really weird to Ben.

But enough of that, he was at the facility now and now was the time to explore. He easily passed by the guards and decided to look through the eyes of a random scientist that how found walking in. Better to be safe and know he ins and outs. About 10 minites into spectating this scientist he noticed many sign with SCP and a unique number, like 079 or 173 to name a few that he saw. He then saw something that caught his interest. The next sign he saw was a sign labelled 'SCP-053' and there was an image of a little girl. He got out of the view of the scientist and went through whatever defence he came across.

Now he was in a 5 m x 5 m (16 ft x 16 ft)room and. He could see toy toys, books, games, and other recreational devices scattered around the room. He also saw Proper bedding, bathroom, and medical facilities. On the bed, which was pink, he saw a small three year old girl, about 3 ft tall, ah, he really shouldn't be calling her small when he was 4x her age and was only 4 inches taller.

Anyway, he found her playing with a doll and from the look on her face, she seemed pretty lonely.

'Hmm, maybe she could do with a friend.' Ben thought. He had only his pets and Gary to keep him company. He could just spawn in more cats and dogs and all that but it wouldn't make it any more special.

Using his transform menu, he found a transformation that would come in handy, a kitten. I know what you're thinking and no, he did not intentionally kill a kitten. It was his first pet, a kitten Oscar who was ran over by a car. Oscar was still alive but Ben had to relieve it of it's misery. Oscar was probably going to die anyway, and even if he did survive, Ben doubted Oscar would be able to walk again, which was practically suicide for a cat. It mentally scarred Ben and that's one of the reasons he won't just spawn in more animal friends, if they died he wouldn't be able to take the heartache. That's why with the pets he had and his pseudo-grandpa Gary(who he saw as a grandad really)e buffed up so they wouldn't die. They wouldn't die from age anyway since they are minecraftian but it didn't mean he couldn't buff them.

He put permanent fire resistance and water breathing on all of them and He put level 255(that's the max level he could put on)resistance and regeneration on everyone and put health boost 255 on Peter since it didn't matter what resistance or regeneration you had, if you died in one shot it wouldn't save you.

He flew under the bed and went out of spectator into creative so even though he could be seen(as a black kitten)they wouldn't be able to hurt him.

Walking out on all fours he mewed, gaining the attention of the little girl.

"Oh kitty!" She squealed jumping off of her bed and scooping up Ben, pulling him into a hug. If he wasn't in creative then he would probably be choking.

She put him on the bed and said, "How did you get here kitty?" Ben just mewled at her in response. 

"So, what's your name?" The girl, presumably 053 asked. Silence was all that ensued. "Oh yeah, you don't talk. Sorry, It's just that I met this super big and nice lizard who could talk." She added with a smile. Huh, Ben wondered who this talking lizard was. Must be really cool if she talks if it that highly.

The girl sat on her bed and started playing with Ben, like how she played with her doll house, and then how she lay him down on her lap on she started reading a book about a smelly monster, that he can't remember the name of and after that she started talking about other things. He spaced out after the book and was too comfortable with the girl scratching his ears, it made him purr(embarrassingly).

His thoughts were cut off however when a man who wore the same equipments as the guard he saw outside push a man with an orange jumpsuit into the room and quickly shut the door behind them.

This was the point where Ben's life would forever change, well, apart from the, you know, Minecraft powers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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