Chapter 30

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He'd tried everything to keep from having to do it. He'd tried convincing Voldemort that he could accomplish what Voldemort wanted without going back to Hogwarts. He'd said that since his relatives were killed and he'd acted so distraught and angry about it, that Dumbledore was inviting him to more Order meetings, which the old bastard was, and that wouldn't stop just because he didn't return to Hogwarts. He'd told the man that because of both those things he'd end up being able to still spy on the Order. When that hadn't worked, he switched to another tactic.

He'd told Voldemort that he was The-Boy-Who-Lived, and even before Voldemort took control of the wizarding world that Scrimgeour would give him a job in the Ministry whether he finished his schooling or not. With him working at the Ministry sooner, he's be able to spy on both the Order and Scrimgeour at the Ministry since he'd be working there. Nope, that hadn't worked either.

He'd given dozen of ways that Voldemort could benefit from him not returning to Hogwarts over the past two weeks since he'd come up with the new interpretation for the Prophecy and his plan to end it, but nothing worked. It left him sitting on his packed trunk a few feet in front of his front door with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. The night wasn't going to end well because it would be the last his lover would be alive for a while.

He knew all the plans, both Voldemort's and the Order's, and there just wasn't going to be a better night than tonight to enact his plan. There was already one of Voldemort's newer Death Eaters in Hogsmeade watching for Dumbledore and part of the Order to come to get him from his house. The other half of the Order was going to be stationed in pairs every thirty feet from the end of High Street to the gates of Hogwarts just in case his lover and the Death Eaters showed up to attack him along the way from his house back to school. And Voldemort and the Death Eaters would attack.

Thanks to those handy mirrors he'd researched and Voldemort had ten sets of by the end of last week, his lover would know exactly when he reached the junction of High Street and the short side road that led to his house. As soon as he did, Voldemort with Rosier, Yaxley, and two newer members would apparate to High Street between where he would be and the Three Broomsticks. As soon as the Order was aware of Voldemort being there, they'd run or apparate behind him so that he was protected on all sides. That stupidity was going to leave the space between the Order and the gates wide open for the rest of the Death Eaters, with all three LeStranges in the lead, to apparate there trapping the Order in the middle.

With students arriving by carriage from the train around the same time, the Order would need to split up to help out the Aurors who'd ridden the train with the students for the sake of their safety. It would leave less Order members to look after him making the Order and Dumbledore battle the Death Eaters and Voldemort twice as hard, and he'd have to fight too. And when he did, he was going to enact his plan because it was the only way to end the Prophecy.

"Harry-" Voldemort began, but he cut the man off. Given what he was about to do it's not like it would hurt.

"Please, I don't want to go. I'll do anything else you want if you let me stay with you," he said softly looking down at the floor and not moving more than that.

"Aw, look, Potter's getting sentimental with our Lord," Lucius teased. In less than the blink of an eye he was standing up with his arm extended, wand out, and Lucius was hitting the wall three feet behind where the blonde prick had been standing.

"Don't," he said through clenched teeth. "I'm not in the mood for it today, not when I have to go do something I don't want to fucking do."

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