Chapter 29

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"Have you completed your chores, Wormtail?" Voldemort asked from the table in the man's chambers reading written reports some Death Eaters out on assignments had owled the man. Leaned back against pillows on the bed, his leg crossed with his right ankle resting on his left knee and Charms Monthly Magazine resting in the space they created, he lifted only his eyes to look at the fucking rat. Pettigrew glanced at him and then looked back at Voldemort wringing his hands in front of him. Voldemort looked at him and then back at Pettigrew. "Wormtail."

"Yes, my Lord," Pettigrew said quickly. "I mean that I have completed all but one task that you have assigned for me, my Lord."

"And the task that you have not?" Voldemort asked turning his complete attention to Wormtail.

"Well, you see, my Lord, it's not my fault!" the rat said quickly. He called Nagini with a hiss and Wormtail whimpered. "He's refusing to go pack, my Lord," Wormtail said moving to the other side of Voldemort's chair making Voldemort turn to look at the rat while Nagini slithered into the room. Wormtail whimpered louder and started shaking when Nagini looked at the man swaying her head back and forth. "I don't care if I owe you a life debt! I'm not getting cursed for you!" Voldemort turned and looked at him again and he looked back down at his magazine.

"Leave us," Voldemort said.

Pettigrew scurried from the room and Nagini darted after him with Voldemort hissing at Nagini not to eat the fat fucking rat as she did. He wanted to laugh, but he couldn't, not when the bedroom door slammed closed by magic, locked, and Voldemort stood up turning completely towards him.

"I know term starts tomorrow. I also know I've learned more here with you in the past month than I'll learn talking classes there until June," he said quietly not even trying to read his magazine anymore.

"Should you not show up tomorrow Dumbledore and the entire Order shall be outside the Shrieking Shack before dessert is even served in the Great Hall," Voldemort said.

"Dumbledore and the Order can kiss my arse," he mumbled blindly tossing the magazine onto the nightstand. "It's not as though they could get inside my house to drag me out anyway. Besides, I'm seventeen now. I don't have to go back if I don't want to."

"And precisely what reason would you give for not returning when you have spent the past month successfully fooling them all into believing you no longer hold any animosity towards them?" Voldemort asked, but he didn't reply. He didn't need to with Voldemort listening to every thought in his head. "No."

"Why?" he asked and Voldemort narrowed his eyes on him. "I'm not trying to defy you so don't get pissed off at me. I just don't belong there with them. I haven't in a year. I made my choice as to which side of the war I wanted to be on and it's not theirs."

"I know this, Harry, however they do not," Voldemort replied, the anger leaving the man's eyes. "Are you prepared for what you shall face by exposing your true allegiance to the world?"

"If you'd let me, I'd do it right now," he replied seriously. Voldemort just stared at him and he scooted down to the foot of the bed and sat in front of where Voldemort was standing. "Say the word and I'll kneel down for you in front of the entire fucking Wizagamot with Dumbledore sitting in the Head Wizard's chair."

"As tempting an offer and that is, I have plans for you and they require that you finish your schooling," Voldemort replied. He stared at Voldemort for a moment before snorting as he stood up.

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