Slayers: Elle's Story

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A/N I'm doing the Author's note before hand to tell you THIS IS NOT THE SECOND BOOK. It's Elle's story on how she became a Slayer and was branded.

I felt like after Elle and Stevie became best friends, everyone should hear Elle's side of the story. After all, they sort of became the dinamic duo.

So enjoy this short story written in first person, describing Elle's hardest decision of her life, leaving her a Visionary, and a very important Slayer. :)

Lotsa Love,



It was like every other Sunday morning in Wyoming. The sun beamed down on my eyelids from the window and gently made me wake up.

My room was small and cramped, it wasn't exactly much of a room really, it was like a closet. A closet I shared with four other sisters.

Daisy was sleeping soundly above me and Allison was next to me, her arm slung around my waist as her soft snores filled my ears. Her little round face always made me smile when she'd come running up to me with her big blue eyes, identical to my own, and her bouncy red curls.

Across the small room on the other set of bunks was Camisole or Cami, and Bethany. My mother had alphabetized our names. Fletcher, my seventeen year old brother was the oldest and then I was the second oldest at the ripe age of fifteen.

Then there was Daisy who was thirteen with her black hair and green eyes. And Camisole who was nine with blonde hair and brown eyes. Bethany was only six and the most roudy of us all. FInally there was baby Allison, the youngest and the one who has nightmares the most frequently.

Allison stirred under my arm.

I maneuvered my shoulder so I could slide my arm from out from under her, being especially careful not to jostle her too much.

Pulling on a pair of gym shorts, I left the room soundlessly, tip toeing my way down the hall. If I made so much as a sound, Fletcher would wake up in his room next to ours and be angry for the rest of the day.

Walking quietly through the hallway of our one story house, I made my way into the cramped kitchen.

My mother sat at the little kitchen table with her nose in the paper and sipping coffee.

Giana Fields was one of the most renowned doctors in the area, and she was also the best mother. My mom was single, and worked really hard to feed all six of us kids. She'd tell us all the time that we deserve a big house, one with tons of rooms and an indoor pool. Something we could all be happy with.

And we were doing great in a large house In Cheyenne. Until Bethany got sick.

I knew it was coming. It was scary, to know what will happen, when it will happen. In some cases it would help, but in others....

Bethany was only three when she got sick. She had pnemonia and it turned even worse. She would throw up anything she ate, she always had a fever of one hundred or higher, until one day, it all stopped.

She was exhausted and her pnemonia turned into mono. Which then led to the discovery of cancer. I wanted to burst into tears everytime I looked at her cute little face. Why did it have to be Bethany? Why not me, or Fletcher? Someone who was strong enough to fight it?

"Hey honey." My mom said as I enterred the kitchen. I immediately walked towards the coffee pot and poured myself a cup before stirring in some milk and sugar. I watched the unbrewed flakes of coffee grinds swirl around in circles before my mother spoke again.

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