I guess everyone saw the twitcam. I didn't think that they would be on Twitter when I did my twitcam. It looks like I was wrong. I hope the guys don't tweet about this. I don't need their fans mad at me even more.

"It's okay." Liam holds me, tightly.

It's not okay. Everyone hates me because they believe a stupid rumor.

"Why would they think I was cheating on you?" I cry into his chest.

"I don't know." Liam says, honestly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just found out when I went out for a walk. A girl told me what everyone thinks about me." I sniffle.

"The boys and I will do a twitcam later tonight. We'll explain everything. We'll tell them that you aren't cheating on me. Don't leave the suite unless you are with one of us." Liam whispers in my ear.

"That will only make it worse." I shake my head. "They think I'm only doing this for attention."

Someone clears their throat by the door. Liam and I turn our heads to see Harry, standing in the doorway with his hands in his pajama pant's pockets. I turn around to face Liam. I am not in the mood to talk to Harry.

"Can I talk to you?" Harry's voice comes closer.

Liam looks down at my face. I shake my head. Liam smiles sadly. I can't talk to Harry now. Too much has happened today. I just want to take a shower and lay down. Maybe eat a pint of ice cream. Listen to some Ed Sheeran. Yeah, that sounds nice.

"I'm sorry. I should have never said that to you. I was just so upset that I thought that no one knew how I felt. I forgot that you had your heartbroken three times. I'm so sorry for hurting you. I'm the worst best friend." Harry tells me.

I keep my back to Harry as I stare at the blanket on the bed.

"You should know that everyone saying you're a slut and all of those terrible things are just jealous of you. They wish they were in your position. Don't listen to anything they say. None of it is true." Harry says. "I'm really sorry. I had no reason for acting like a jerk."

I hear him start to walk out of the room. "I forgive you." I speak up.

Harry's arms wrap around my waist and pulls me back towards him. "Thank you! Thank you do much! I'm sorry for everything! I'll make it up to you! I'm going to go make you something."

Harry kisses my cheek before running out of the room. I slide off of the bed and walk to the dresser. I grab my onesie and a pair of short shorts and a blue tank top. I step in the bathroom and quickly change. When I walk back into the bedroom Liam is gone.

Where did he go?

"Hi, we're One Direction." I hear the guys say, simultaneously.

They better not be doing a Twitcam. I walk out to the living room to see the boys, sitting around a laptop. Yep. They're doing a twitcam. I didn't want them to do this. It will only make the Directioners hate me even more. It's not fun to be hated.

"We're doing this Twitcam because there are some nasty rumors going on about my girlfriend, Tori." Liam speaks, looking into the webcam.

The five of them ignore me as I stand there watching them. Elena, Charlotte, Drake, and Connor are sitting on the opposite couch where the camera can't see them. I make my way over to them and sit down next to Charlotte.

"Tori made a twitcam early. Some of you think she was doing it for attention. That's the last thing she was doing for." Harry says next. "Tori broke down after the twitcam." He shakes his head and looks away.

"I'm truly disappointed in all of you." Liam stares into the webcam. "I hate seeing Tori so upset because of all the hate she has been getting. Do you not understand how much this is hurting her?"

I rest my head on Connor's shoulder as I watch the boys. They won't stop now. Management will probably yell at them for doing an unplanned twitcam. They won't be happy that they are telling their fans that they are disappointed in them.

"If you are sending hate to Tori then you aren't true Directioners." Niall says with a hard look on his face.

Wow. I've never seen Niall look so mad before. I've caused all of this. It's all my fault that they boys are mad at their fans.

Louis shuts the laptop without saying a word. Charlotte stands up and makes her way over to Niall. She leads him to the kitchen. Charlotte knows how to cheer him up. Harry follows behind them.

Harry returns with a green mug in his hand. "I made you some hot chocolate." He grins.

I take the mug from his hands. Harry has a huge amount of whipped cream on top with chocolate shavings. It looks and smells delicious. I take a small sip. Wow. That is really good.

Elena and Connor burst out laughing at me. What's so funny? Liam walks over to me with a smile on his face. He wipes the tip of my nose with his index finger. A small amount of whipped cream is on his finger. Oh. I see why they were laughing at me now.

"If you get anymore hate let me know. Don't hide it." Liam sits down next to me.

"Okay." I agree. "Can we watch a movie? I could go for a comedy. I need a good laugh."

Louis runs to the tv and searches for a comedy for us to watch. This will be better than hiding out in my room by myself. I would rather be out here with my friends and cuddling with my boyfriend.

I'm not going to let all of this hate bother me anymore. They aren't worth my time.


Author's Note:

Did you like it? Hate it? Love it? Tolerate it? Despise it?

Question...Have you heard Cher Lloyd's new album? What's your favorite song?

I can't stop listening to Riot. It's so good! I love all of her songs, though.

So, yeah!


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