Chapter 23 - There's A First Time For Everything

Start from the beginning

He was very thankful for his boyfriends kindness, which his other bandmates seemed to lack lately. Calum or Michael would never give their laptop to Luke if he asked, not that he wanted to uuse theirs. He feared what kind of stuff he'd find.

When Ashton put his laptop away and dozed off, the younger boy got very bored. His previous activity of watching Ashton on Twitter had ended, so he decided to go on for himself. Reaching across Ashton's lap carefully, he grabbed the laptop from his bag. He logged onto his own Twitter account, smiling at some of the Tweets he had received.

Luke was in the middle of replying to someone, when he accidentally closed the Twitter tab. To his surprise, there were multiple tabs open that he hadn't noticed before. One caught his eye, and he opened it, feeling slightly guilty.

At first, he was confused. The page read '5sos fanfiction', and he vaguely remembered hearing about fan fiction before. He was surprised, when he realized this particular story was about the two of them.

Blushing, Luke wondered who wrote this. As uncomfortable as he felt, he read on.

It turns out that the fan fiction was incredibly sexual, and they performed sexual acts that Luke never knew existed. What Luke found incredibly odd, was that throughout the story, he had called Ashton 'daddy' many times. What does that mean?

Luke couldn't figure out if it was meant in a sexual way, so he decided to research it. After a couple of minutes, he finally understood the context of it. Returning to the fan fiction tab, he read 3 more stories.

By the end of it, he was turned on, to say the least. It was still very odd to him that teenage girls would submit stories of him and Ashton having sex, but he wasn't exactly complaining. He had found out many news terms, one of them being 'smut'.

Feeling incredibly dirty, he realized that he just used someone elses computer to read inappropriate stories. But then again, they were on Ashton's computer in the first place.

Eventually, he returned Ashtons laptop to his bag, thankful that the boy hadn't woken up yet. Taking out his phone and earbuds, he hoped to pass some time on the long flight.


Approximately 7 hours, Luke was sitting at the dinner table with his family. Their flight had landed two hours before, all of the boys parting their ways to go home. It was hard for Luke to leave Ashton, but his older boyfriend kept assuring him that they'd see eachother soon. They only lived 15 minutes apart, for gods sake.

Although he hadn't even been home for 2 hours, he had already had enough. His brothers constant teasing was really getting on his nerves. Jack and Ben constantly teased him about every little thing he did, and although it wasn't meant to be mean, Luke was tired of it already. He longed to be in Ashton's embrace, as cheesy at it sounded.

After a huge home cooked meal, Luke was ready to call Ashton and go to bed. He was tired and jetlagged, after being on a nearly 7 hour flight. But his family insisted on watching a movie, for some family bonding time. One movie lead to another, and it was nearing 11 pm. The 18 year old wanted sleep more than anything, but he also wanted to please his family. When they asked for stories on his adventures in America, he gave them story after story. he just left out a couple of details, such as his boyfriend.

When the clock read 12:49 am, Luke excused himself to go to bed. He was too tired to shower, his body so week, changing into his pajamas would be a struggle.

Walking down the stairs to his room in the basement, he sighed contently. It was nice to be home, after so long. His months in hotels were finally going to pay off. For the first time in forever, he would be able to sleep in.

Intoxicated - A Lashton (5sos) Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now