Dreams Come True

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She couldn't believe his dream of having his own television show we're finally coming true. Gordon had worked his ass off to get Hell's Kitchen off the ground. It will be the first show of its kind, putting 12 talented chefs, cooks and home cooks from around the world against each other for a chance to be an executive chef at one of his restaurants.

She smiled as a pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders from behind. She would know those arms and that scent anywhere. After 10 years and three children there wasn't much they didn't know about each other. They had seen each other at their worst and best. Together they had made themselves successful and were able to give their children the life they had always dreamed of having.

"Where is that mind of yours, sweet?" He asked quietly in her ear. She hummed and leaned her head on one of his strong arms. "Just thinking about tomorrow. About how Gordon Ramsay is now the host of a tv show." She said with a smile and her eyes closed. Gordon gave a chuckle and spun her around to face him.

"We both have worked our asses off for this. It's just as much your victory as it is mine, Ana." He said taking her face into his hands and kissing her forehead. "In fact, I think I might have gotten the better end of this deal. You, my dear, have gone through 2 pregnancies, delivered 3 children, and raised them with minimal help from me until now."

The wonder in his voice made her heart soar. "And" He continued. "Might I say that you have a stunning body that I would love nothing more than to ravish at this very moment." He said huskily. she threw her head back and laughed, "I thought I was supposed to be the one that was running on hormones, dear." She teased.

They had just found out that she was pregnant with Ramsay baby 4 and couldn't be happier. Gordon had almost been in tears, he had never had the chance to enjoy her pregnancy before with all the long hours of starting his restaurants and being an executive chef. She had been lucky if he was home by midnight most days.

This was his chance to experience everything her pregnancy would through at him. They had moved their family from London to Los Angeles for the season so they could all be together. For once, Gordon would be able to have dinner with his family most every night. She was thrilled the kids would see their dad so much more. She was also happy to have her husband less stressed and in her bed when she went to sleep every night.

She herself had found the time to publish a few cookbook over the years. Nothing like Gordon's of course, but easy and fast recipes for moms whose children were difficult eaters. Thank goodness for cheese or Jack would never eat any vegetables.

Their kids were 5 and 3. Meghan was going to start school next week and loved to cook with her father. The twins Jack and Holly were definitely two handfuls. She was lucky she had Gordon's mum to help her when they had come along. Twins hadn't run in their family, Ana liked to joke that Gordon must have commanded another egg out.

Her husband was loud, pushy, and exceedingly foul mouthed. Well, to others he was. To her he was everything she had ever dreamed of. The lonely nights had been him working himself to the bone to provide for his family. Both of them had grown up in a terrible part of London and valued hard work.

She had worked as his sous chef for the five years before they decided they were stable enough to have Meghan. They'd had a tiny, but safe, flat in central London. She still thought of that flat with the best memories.

A kiss on her neck brought her back to the present. "Uh, Gordon, you know what that does to me especially now." She said with a mewl. "I do. My three beautiful children are asleep and now it's time for me to show appreciation to my wife." His husky voice sent shivers down her spine.

"Now, I want you to strip and wait for me on the bed. Is that clear?" He growled. She sucked in a breath through her teeth. "Yes, Chef." She said with a catch in her voice. She turned to do as he said and couldn't hold back a moan when he swatted her bum as she turned.

Yes, Anastasia Ramsay, was a very lucky lady.

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