Gravity (Chapter 2)

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The dreams weren't as bad that night. I was still in the forest, but I wasn't running. There were no explosions or screaming. It was actually kinda peaceful. There was a rustle in the leafs, quiet.. Small footsteps... Human foot steps.

Suddenly it starts pouring. The footsteps quickly run away. A flash of lightning hits the tip of a nearby tree. It startles me, yet I remain still. There in the pouring rain, in the middle of a thunderstorm, a little girl emerges from the foliage.

"Are you McKenzie?" She asks.

"yes." I reply.

"I need to tell you something... Something important."

"What is it?" I'm starting to get worried. The tone in her voice shows me something is terribly wrong. I can't help thinking or Jessica when I looks at her. She does somewhat resemble her...

"it's about your friend, Elizabeth." she says

"W-What about her?!" the storm is picking up and I'm really worried now "Sh-" The girl was cut off by a series of thunder. I'm yelling now. "What is it?!?!" I scream. Lightning flashes. The brightest I've ever seen. I shield my eyes from the glare, when I open them, the girl is gone.

I awaken. Who was she? What did she want to tell me? What's wrong with Elizabeth? All of the questions are running constantly through my head.

Never the less, she was leaving today and I didn't want to miss her. I glance at my clock.. Too late. I flew out of bed. It's practically noon?! I think. I can't believe I slept in! Her flight leaves in twenty minutes!

I quickly look at my phone. Twenty-three missed calls from Elizabeth. Oops.

Quickly getting dressed, putting my hair up, I still manage to call her back. New record.

Im out the door by the time she picks up.

"hello?" she says

" Elizabeth! I'm so sorry!" I apologize.

"McKenzie?! WHERE ARE YOU!?!" she's yelling. Loud.

"I'm so sorry! I slept in.."

"OBVIOUSLY!!" she's definitely mad.

"Don't get fussy with me! At least I'm still trying... Is Cody there"

"Yea I got here ONTIME." cody must've gotten the phone...

"look guys, I'm sorry, I'm on my way!" I explain.

"You better be!!" click. Great, now I'm screwed. Mom drives me to the airport as quick as possible. I run in as fast as I can, shoving over a couple bags in the process.

I run smack into Cody. He just looks down at me and nods. I can't believe I missed her... And she left mad at me.

"it's only two weeks, she'll be back the nineteenth." he assures me.

"I know it's just... I'm her best friend... I shouldn't have been late." I say.

"well you still have me!" he jokes.

"yea... Doesn't count."

"oh." he looks at me with the stupidest pouty look ever. I can't help but laugh. "oh shut up! I have to go, my moms waiting for me." he says

As he is walking away I remember my dream. "I need to tell you something... Something important, about Elizabeth." What could it be?

Did it have anything to do with Toby? Im thinking all of this on the way home. I have to find out. To bad I have no way to contact her all the way In new York... I come into the living room and sit next to my mother.

"Why so glum?" she asks me.

"there's no way to talk to Elizabeth for two weeks and I need to talk to her." I explain.

"Why don't you write a letter?" a letter? Why didn't I think of that?

"okay, I will thanks." I run up to my room, find a pen and pencil and get right to work. This is what I have so far:

September, 8, 2001.

Dear Elizabeth, I thought since you have no other communication we could send letters? I'm so sorry I couldn't say goodbye I feel terrible. I will keep you informed on everything that happened till you get back. I really hope Toby gets better! You're all in Our prayers. I never got to show you Cody's birthday present to me, it's beautiful! I hope Toby gets better!

~ McKenzie.

I rush out to send it.

"McKenzie?" Jessica's familiar little voice behind me. I turn around.

"What's up kiddo?"

she hesitates "can I ask you something?" there's a hint of sorrow in her voice.

"of course you can." I promise.

"when is daddy coming home?" she asks.

"well I don't know hunny anytime I guess."

"IS he coming home?" it hit me like a ton of bricks. That big question. It's been a week since we have had any contact with him... But of course he's coming home. He always comes back. But there's always what if....

There was only one thing I could think to say to her.

"I hope."

She smiles. "me too" it's hard, seeing her have to go through this. She's only nine. She has barely seen our father in the past three years. I haven't either, but of course I saw him more before he left.

Part of me wants to hate him for it. For just leaving us here, but I know I can't, it was for a good cause. Mother is taking this all surprisingly well. Way better than I am that is.

I sit on my front steps now, thinking. I reach my hand up to my neck, gently wrapping my fingers around the beautiful charm from Cody.

I have yet to be able to truly examine and appreciate the beauty of it. A sterling silver heart, much in a form of a ribbon, but solid metal m, makes up the outer section. Six descending jewels form the inside. From bottom center, to top right, large to small pure sapphires it must have costed him a fortune.

But I don't want to think of it that way. It is the most caring gift anyone has ever given me. I absolutely love it.

The sun sets over the horizon, setting the sky the most beautiful orange, pink, and purple colors. I love the sunset. You never notice how rarely you see a sunset, even though they happen everyday.

I sit there, watching the sky, until the last little bit of light fades away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2012 ⏰

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