Chapter 1 • The Beginning Began

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(Y/N)'s Point of View:

"Mommy, Mommy! My tooth fell out, My tooth fell out!" An excited little girl with gorgeous (H/C) locks ran into her mother's makeshift home office followed by the sound of a muffled voice on the other end of an old work phone. "(Y/N), I'm very busy right now with an important client. Please, go out in the front yard and play-" "But mommy! My tooth fell out, it finally fell out!" The girl jumped up and down with excitement and wildly flailed the arm she held her freshly fallen tooth with. "(Y/N). I'm very busy right now so please, go put your tooth under your pillow and go out and get some fresh air, before you turn into a lump!" "But mommy, my tooth!" The woman sighed and brought the cell phone down to her red lipstick smothered lips, bent over and pressed the little red button on the desks intercom where the loud echo played throughout the lonely halls of the big house, mumbling was still heard through the phones speakers. "O-oh, uh, I'm sorry would you please hold? For one second, thank you. Ms. Poppy would you please come to my office, and collect, tsk, (Y/N) please? Thanks." good job you remembered my name this time. Almost.

With that the lady (Y/N) called 'mommy' spun around and looked out her seemingly gigantic window that over looked the huge mansions garden and lovely birdbath among most things before turning her attention back to the cell phone to finish her conversation. "No-no, I'm not busy. Alrighty, that would be grate. Of course, the place is a multimillion dollar house with a great lake side view. Not to bad of a neighborhood either, what a steel! There's also plenty of room for your lovely little, darlings to play in, I love mine - oh, yes yes and your dog's to of course, that'll work well to...just don't let the little bastards ruin the carpets, haha." She mumbled the last bit under her breath of course. Multi..million? What does that mean?

(Y/N) knew her mother loved her very much and she also knew her mother was a very busy and important woman who ran a  very important series of businesses, she didn't hate her but she just wished her mother would've saved more time for her. When (Y/N) was a very young child at around the age of three her father, late Charles P (L/N) tragically passed away in an automotive wreck and left his loving wife Alexander Pendergast and darling daughter (Y/N) with all his wealth and fortune which unfortunately came with the tough responsibility of running the families businesses, unfortunately leaving little 3 year old (Y/N) with hardly any time with her mother who she realized she hardly even really knew. Infact she actually knew her Nanny Poppy more then she actually knew any other family member. She was a happy child, so everyone thought.

"Come along (Y/N)," Her nanny Poppy spoke in her usual cherry tone, scooping her up and carrying her out of the room like a weightless baby doll closing the door behind her, "Come along, (Y/N)!" She didn't argue and just let Poppy carry her away. Poppy was an older lady with neat brown hair and tan skin with softer green eyes and a thick Italian accent. Sometimes (Name) wishes Poppy was her mother. Poppy cleaned, cooked and practically raised her since long even before her father's horrible tragedy. Poppy was there for her on her first day of school and not the (H/C) lady she called Mother! Poppy fed her and bathed her and watched her grow up so why should she call that awful lady her mother? Your mother is the one who's supposed to do those things with you and play with you and ask you how your day is, not some random lady who's just there for your because she's payed.

Soon the girl found herself back in her pink colored unicorn themed bedroom slamming scattered articles of clothing and little toys into her barbie book bag, screaming and crying "I hate this place! I HATE IT! Wah~" She whaled between muffled cries, wiping away her runny nose with the back of her hand and sniffling into it. Nobody had heard her as they never did but it was times like this she really wished her mother would barge in, and pull her into a hug and hold her. She practically dueled over the idea of her mother's affection. "If they want me to play outside, then that's what I'll do - but, er, forever I guess! Like a real long time nature walk!"  The rest of the words she spoke were only small mumbles and grunts as she climbed out her window and down the wooden balcony, heading to the back yard and deep into the woods.

"Stupid mommy. I bet she probably won't even know I'm missing..."

And thus, the girls journey to her new life begins.

(Yes, the song is indeed Eminems' The Real Slim Shady, and I'm so sorry 😂 I just thought it would brighten the mood and it really brings awareness to how the reader is desperately crying out for her mother's attention)

Night in Splendor Polkadots (A Splendor Man x Child Reader Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें