about English class stuff

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So in English class right now we are working on poetry, (unit 1)

The other say we right poems that were like during what's your look at something or understand or different eliminated of an overall thing, okay? Ok so the poem I right was about story telling and I am reading back over it and I kinda have a references to three different people's(ones to the book that is a reference to a person. )

So because I have already starded on it the most oveses one is Alice, the book Alice in wonderland if saspacted to be based on a girl named Alice and then that how the Carter Alice formed , thin I menched Alice in wonderland in a chapter (nonsense weighting /stuff like this journal thing)
The second most oveus, the sacshion is talking about poetry and how it and be a way for lovers to share with each other . Wen I Reed that  and wen I wote it there is one darling I could only think of Wheezing-Whizzer.  A breath of life within a set of words.
The last,
The point what I was talking about teckys, there was one spasificly one in mind😏

I'll leave this now I might post the acshilpoem some day

Thoughts froum
13,sep, 2019

i just spent a half an hour righting a shit poem for English class.ill add the ney one in at a lashttter point.hehehe i love shing a senior.gggle giggle

i may be falling apart slightly

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