Post Reveal pilot part 2

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Lena was walking down the street, happy but not as happy as she could've been under other circumstances.

"Mrs. Luthor what a wonderful day," a man that was passing beside her said with a big smile.

"It is indeed," she said and grabbed a cup of coffee from the coffee cart that stood at the entrance of the park. She sat on a bench and took the cup closer to her lips.

The birds were singing and the streets were quiet and almost empty of people. The sun was shining all over the place.
Then, Lena heard a scream. One turned to a few' and before the young brunette knew it' everyone was screaming.
She got up and dropped her cup of coffee to the sight of a huge building, right in front of the park, burning.
It was L-Corp.

People were running all around the park, panicking. Mothers were looking for their children, men were looking for their wives.

The coffee cart fell on the sidewalk as people were running over it in order to escape.
The building started falling apart and huge pieces of it were falling into the park and lighting everything on fire.

Lena could see Kara, well, Supergirl, trying to put off the fire and rescue people. Firefighters were all over the place by that time.
Helicopters with huge bags of water surrounded the area, ordering people to evacuate. Everything happened so fast.

Lena looked up and saw the 'L' on the top of the building starting to break. No more than 10 seconds later, it collapsed and fell from the sky.

Lena was standing right underneath it. And it seemed to her like it was going to crash at her and everyone else around her. It was terrifying.

For a fragile of second, lens wished Kara came to save her.

But that feeling passed right away, once Kara did so.

The brunette she felt someone pushing her. She heard the sound of the crash and fell on the ground. She slowly sat back up. Everything was covered with dust. Her hand was hurting. She must've broken it.
She got up and saw Supergirl, trapped, under the burning 'L'. Probably instead of her.

Lena walked closer and saw Kara. The hurting superhero lifted her hand, waiting for Lena to grab it and help her.

But Lena didn't take it.

"Lena!" Kara called her while trying to rescue herself. The number of bricks was too big and heavy, even for her, and the smoke and heat made it impossible to escape.

"Lena please!" she was having trouble breathing

Lena was already walking away. It felt horrible.
She could hear Kara screaming in pain, but she didn't turn around, she didn't stop walking, she couldn't.

"Lena! Pl-Please!" Kara couldn't keep her eyes open as she was throwing up blood, failing to escape.
Lena felt her worst nightmare come true, but she couldn't stop walking.


"Lena! Open up!"

Lena suddenly heard Kara's voice. This time, from the real world.
She turned off the VR. Her eyes turned green again and she got off the chair.
"Lena are you there?" she heard Kara on the other side of the door
"didn't you hear what I said yesterday?" she replied.
Kara took a deep breath, she was still hurt.
"if you won't let Kara Danvers in, maybe you'll let that reporter from Catco in"
"what?" Lena was confused
"I was sent to interview you about Obsidian Tech... Your new project"
Lena felt like she had better things to do than to talk to the one that broke her heart and tore her emotional world apart.
"It's still on trials," she said and went towards the balcony at her office.
Kara was annoyed by the answer, "that's it? You're just gonna be mad at me for no reason and break our friendship??"

"Oh, I'm not the one who broke it" Lena was angry too,
"what do you mean?" Kara was confused
Lena suddenly felt a wave of rage that took over, she never meant to say the next words," Kara get the hell out of here before I call security! Come back when you stop being such a manipulating selfish person who only does what's best for them. You broke this friendship! To pieces! You broke me!" she yelled.
As the words came out of her mouth she understood what she's done.
Kara was way too angry to get hurt at this point, she could hear the pain in Lena's words, "fine. But when you get over this, whatever this is, call me. I'm always here for you"

"I won't," Lena said and turned the VR back on. Her eyes turned silver.

\\Alex's house\\

A knock sounded on Alex's door.
"Go... Go get it" Kelly said out of breath. Alex kept kissing her, "whoever this is, they can wait," she said and kissed Kelly's neck.
"No... no that's not nice" she pulled back and turned her face to the door, "who is it??" she shouted at the door. Her voice cracked and Alex couldn't help but laugh.
"It's... It's Kara... Alex?" Kara was standing with her back against the door, trying to forget what she saw through it, "Alex are you there?"
Alex freaked out. She knew Kara watched her and Kelly kissing. She got off the couch and made sure Kelly was fully covered with the blanket.
"What's wrong?" Alex opened the door.
Kara wasn't surprised by the direct question. Her sister knew her best and could tell when something happens to her.

"It's Lena"
Kara stepped inside. Kelly didn't need a therapy degree to tell that she was troubled. It felt like a good time to leave,

"I'll call you later" she said and hurried off the couch.
'Thank you' Alex said with her lips only.

The door closed behind Kelly and Kara was already sitting on the couch.
"She's mad at me" she immediately started talking.
"I take that as a 'yes we talked' "
"No, she wouldn't even open the door... she said some pretty bad things" Kara's voice cracked
Alex hugged her.
"She... She said that I broke our friendship... That I broke her" a tear rolled on Kara's cheek
"no. Hey, she didn't mean that" Alex was trying to comfort her sister, "do you know what she's mad about? I mean, she hasn't been herself ever since Lex died"
"I thought it was that too" Kara wrapped herself in Alex's lap, "but the more we talked, the more personal it got"

Alex got up. She grabbed a few slices of pizza and heated them in the microwave, "maybe Supergirl can find out what's wrong" she suggested and handed over one hot slice of pizza to Kara.
Kara's phone rang.
"Crap!" she looked at the screen

"What??" Alex sat next to her

"The article! I'm supposed to hand over the piece tomorrow! And I never got the interview..."

"Lena?" Alex made a quick guess


"Maybe Supergirl can help with that as well," Alex said and gave her sister a warm hug.
Kara tried to get Alex's hands off her so she can take another slice.
She took one and ate half of it in one bite.
"wait.. You meant like, right now??" she asked with her mouth full
"Yes dummy! Now! You need to understand what's going on... Or at least get some information for the article"

Kara got up and jumped off Alex's window into the night skies.

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