"See you later, angel." Billie waved as she started walking off.

"Bye, Billie."

I started walking towards my third period, Kaiden following. "So she just put her contact as daddy?"

"Yeah. I just haven't bothered to change it." I shrugged.

He nodded. "Alright, well I see you at lunch."

"See ya."


I leaned against the couch, trying to drown out the loud music coming from throughout the house. Kaiden and Lexi was carrying out a conversation, as was everybody else at the party. I really shouldn't have fucking agreed to come to this.

"Hope, stop just sitting there. At least say something." Lexi urged.

"I'm sorry. I'm just tired." I sighed as I sat up.

I joined in their conversation. After a while, they started arguing about which is better: pizza or pizza rolls.

"Hope, which is better?" Kaiden turned to me.

I held my hands up. "I'm not getting involved in this. It's an A and B conversation so I'm not trying to C my way into it."

Lexi groaned. "Well you better fucking C your way into it. It's no longer an A and B convo."

I sighed. "Nope."

They continued talking for a while before someone came and sat down between me and Lexi. I looked up at him. He had light pink hair, split between the middle. His eyes were a light blue almost greenish color. He was easy on the eyes. Really fucking easy, oh my God. People like him are the reasons why I'm bisexual as hell.

I tried to think of his name and finally got it.

"You're Devon, right?" I asked.

"Yeah." He smiled.

"I'm Hope." I smiled back.

"Yeah, I know. I heard your name everywhere last year." He laughed lightly.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? That's shocking."

"Well when you're involved in as much stuff as you were last year, not really." He shrugged.

"Well you've got a point I guess."

He nodded. "So what brings you here? I've never seen you at a party."

"My best friend dragged me here." I pointed to Kaiden who was still arguing with Lexi over which food was better.

Devon nodded. "Oh. Well are you having fun at least?"

I shrugged. "Yeah. It's gotten better within this past little bit." I subtly flirted.

"Oh really?" He asked, a smirk tugging at his lips.


We continued talking for a while. I got to know Devon a lot better and he's actually really cool. He plays for the soccer team, which is definitely a plus. He said that he goes to most parties but this is the first one he's been to this year. He's trying to just chill out this year with all the parties.

"Yeah, I actually used to play soccer I got to busy with everything else to actually play it anymore." I sad sadly. "But it's alright."

"Damn, I'm sorry about that. This might sound a little stupid, but soccer is pretty therapeutic for me. So I bet that it's really hard on you not being able to play soccer anymore." He frowned.

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