Alaric touches Moira's face and he kisses her. Ric cannot explain how much he's missed her. Liz sees from a distance and she actually smiles largely. She's happy to see Moira back home, and she's glad to see Alaric happy.

Moira goes to the pool in the school, she finds Bonnie performing cpr on Matt.

"What the hell?" Moira grumbles.

"He's so stupid, Moira!" Bonnie says as she does chest compressions. "Matt, please! I fact do this! There's nothing else I can do! Moira, help?"

"If he is trying to see the ghosts, you have go," Moira says. "Wait,.. No, I can." Moira hybrid speeds over. "Let me, Bon."

Bonnie moves her hands and she watches as the hybrid saves Matt with cpr she learned before she returned to Mystic Falls as a plain vampire, with no wolf. Moira keeps on and on until Matt wakes up, spitting water out.

Moira sits him upright. "It's okay, Matt, you're okay."

"Moira?" Matt whispers amd he just leans against her, kind of surprised to see her again.

Matt keeps an arm around Moira as she guides him out, Bonnie is with them.

"As soon as you're feeling better, I'm going to kill you," Bonnie says.

"It worked," Matt claims. "I saw her. I saw Vicki."

"You did?" Bonnie asks as they stop walking.

"She said she had a message for you," Matt says.

"For me?"

"From the witch that put the hybrid vurdenon Klaus," Matt says. "She said that Elena shouldn't have survived Klaus's ritual. The hybrids can't transition because Elena's alive, well, accept Moira, she wasn't cursed."


"He's going to die, isn't he?" Matt asks.

"I wouldn't be sure about that,.. hello, Moira," Klaus says from behind them, they find him leaning against a wall. "Given the choice, doppelgänger or hybrid, I go hybrid every time." He glances between the three of them.

"Well, the verdict is in," Klaus says as he enters the classroom Rebekah, Tyler, Caroline, amd now Moira are in. "The original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead."

Rebekah gets up, happy. "Does that mean we kill her?"

"No, I'm fairly certain it means the opposite," Klaus replies. "Call it s hunch,.," he grabs a test tube with some blood, and shows it to Tyler, Rebekah keeps a hold of Caroline. "Elena's blood, drink it."

"No!" Caroline protests, sounding like Elena. "No, no, no, Tyler, don't!"

"If he doesn't feed meh will die anyway, love," Klaus says to her. "Consider this am experiment. It's okay," he says to Tyler.

Tyler takes the tube but he hesitates. But finally, he drinks it.

"There we go," Klaus muses as Moira joins his side. "Good boy."

Tyler coughs and he rolls over the desk, then falls to the floor. He's screaming and growing in pain, and withering. Tyler holds is head and he screams as his face changes. It's like Moira's when changed..., Yellow eyes p, fangs, veins under his eyes.

"Well, that's a good sign," Klaus muses as he looks at Moira. "Why couldn't I turn you to that?"

"Because I wasn't apart of your curse?" Moira winks. "Just your werewolf bloodline."

"Funny," Klaus mutters. "Real funny, love."

Moira goes to the apartment she shares with Alaric, she has decided to stay in Mystic Falls. Klaus was very understanding when she told him. She wants to be here with Alaric. Plus, Damon has no idea that Moira's back. He's in for one hell of a surprise.

Moira finds Alaric on the bed in his boxers, watching a horror movie. Ric sees his hybrid girlfriend and scoots over. Moira removes her boots and climbs into the bed beside Alaric.

"What's your favorite part of being a hybrid?" Ric asks her.

"No daylight ring," Moira replies. "Invencible, like Klaus..... Many, many more perks. I'm just glad I'm not sired to Klaus. I love him because he's family, but I don't love him that much."

This makes Alaric laugh as he pulls Moira closer. She snuggles up to her local vampire hunter boyfriend, and rests her head against his chest.

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