Chapter 1 - Abuse

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It was in the morning when a loud resounding 'SMACK' had came from a certain household, that certain household is known as the Todoroki's household.

And in one of the Todoroki's household's room, specifically the training room, laid a 15-year-old teenage boy. Another person stood in front of him looming over the teenage boy and scowling at him.

The teenage boy's name is Todoroki Shoto, who is born as an omega. The colour of his hair is split in half. On the right side it is white as snow while on his left it's a crimson colour just like a strawberry. Both his eyes are a different colour like his hair, the right eye is a dull grey colour however his left eye is a beautiful turquoise colour that seems to shine with life. However, there's a burned scar on his left eye but it doesn't stop the shine in his eye.

The person looming over him is his father, an Alpha, who is also known to everyone as the #1 Hero, his name is Todoroki Enji AKA Endeavour. The colour of his hair is dark red. His eyes a turquoise colour just like Shoto, however unlike Shoto's his eyes shows greed, power and rage in them.

Shoto looks up at his father in a haze but his eyes showed anger and hatred but they also had a tint of fear in them. He held onto his bruised cheek as it stung from the punch.

"GET UP!!!! STOP BEING WEAK AND GET UP, YOU WEAK PATHETIC OMEGA!!!!! " Enji proceeds to kick him in the stomach, making the air leave Shoto's lungs. "*tt*, PATHETIC!!!" he spat on Shoto and leaves the room while slamming the door.

Shoto struggles to get the air back in his lungs as he kept coughing, which causes his throat to end up hurting until there was blood coming out. After managing to get to get his breathing evenly, his body shook and he whimpered as his body ache from this so called 'training'. Different colour of bruises, from black, blue and purple littered all over his body.

His body went rigid as he heard the door open. Thinking that Endevour had came back to give him more bruises, he didn't dare to move or make a sound. But that's when he caught the scent of two Betas'.

"S-Shoto?" Shoto looks up to see both of his older siblings looking down at him with concern and horror.

His two older siblings are Natsuo and Fuyumi. They both have hair as white as snow like Shoto's, but Fuyumi has little bit of red in her hair. Fuyumi who is now the oldest of the three and Natsuo who is now the second oldest.

Shoto used to have another sibling, his name was Todoroki Touya, an Alpha, and he was the oldest among his siblings, however when Shoto had become 7 years old, he suddenly disappeared and no one knew where he was.

Touya had been Shoto's favourite sibling and he misses him dearly, unfortunately he barely knew how he looked like now.

"F-Fuyumi..., N-Natsuo-nii...?" he whimpered out their name as tears began to pool in his eyes just like his older sister. She kneels in front of Shoto and begins to stroke his hair gently.

Natsuo looks at Shoto and stares in horror at all the bruises that's marked everywhere on his baby brother's body, he than glares over to the door and growls.

"I gonna KILL HIM!!!" Fuyumi quickly grabs ahold of Natsuo arm before he do anything rash.

"NATSUO NO!!! If you do anything that Endeavour doesn't like, he'll probably h-hurt Shoto even m-more!" That made Natsuo to halt in place, after hearing that he'll make thing worse for Shoto.

"tt, dammit..." he falls on his knees in front of Shoto and bends down to hug him while being careful not to touch that bruises and scorched marks.

"W-Where is Endeavour..." Shoto tried to not cry, but it was hard not to when he could hear Fuyumi sobbing her heart out for him.

"Bastard left the house, I had to make sure he didn't see me when I came to this damned place! Fuyumi had called me over for some medical help."

'Oh...that's right, Natsuo-nii doesn't live with us anymore.'

Before moving out Natsuo had been studying about medical care after Todoroki Rei, their mother, had went crazy and poured boiling water onto Shoto's left eye and was than sent to a hospital.

After entering in his college, Natsuo bought himself a house and moved out immediately to live far away from his 'home' but near to his college.

Natsuo had wanted to bring both Shoto and Fuyumi with him to his new house so they could finally live in peace, but unfortunately since Shoto isn't of age, to be able to move away he had no choice but to stay.

But even if Shoto were to be able to move in with Natsuo, the only obstacle they had in the way is Endeavour and since he's the father he has every authority to him to make Shoto stay.

However, unlike Shoto, Fuyumi is able to move out the house, but she decided to stay to take care of Shoto, and because she believes there could be a chance, where deep down their father could become good person, even though her brothers think otherwise.

Natsuo brings his med kit closer and begins taking out the necessary items needed to treat Shoto's wounds. He mumbles out 'sorry' everytime Shoto let out a pained whimper.

After 10 minutes of treating Shoto, Natsuo stood up while also helping Shoto to stand. "I have to go home before that bastard comes back, i don't want to see his damn hideous face."

Both Shoto and Fuyumi nodded and bid Natsuo goodbye. "Fuyumi, I also need to leave later for U.A. but I can stay here abit with you."

Fuyumi smiles brightly, touched by Shoto words since he rarely would do that. "Yes! Stay, let's do some brother and sister bonding time, just like old times!" Shoto smiles at his sister's enthusiasm, which shocks Fuyumi because once again he rarely does that, but she got over her shock and smiles more brightly and drags Shoto to the living room to start their bonding time.

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