Chapter One

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Hailey POV:

As I walk through the hall it parts like the Red Sea. As I go to my locker and grab my stuff for another lonely class.

I always got good grades since I didn't have any friends I had plenty of time to study.

The reason I don't have any friends is because my ex-best friend Raven Webb who I've known since second grade,  spread horrible rumors about me, now I can't even get a single person in the entire school to talk to me, well if they're not teasing me.

Since I got the best grades in my class, lots of people called me names, mostly nerd, dork, dweeb. But that also meant that lots of people wanted to be my partners for projects, not because they liked me but so they would get a good grade. And I almost always had to do all of the work.

My family life isn't exactly perfect either, my parents are  always working so I never see them, and I'm an only child so I'm pretty much been raising myself.

I do kinda like Jason Alvarez, but he's the most popular guy in school, and no way he'd like a loser like me. Besides, once Raven became popular she went all over him, mostly because she KNEW I liked him.

I'm in my chemistry class and the teacher is drowning out about something I already know but most everyone looks bored out of their skulls. Even though I already knew it, I was still trying my hardest to pay attention.

It wasn't the easiest thing because people kept throwing things at the back of my head when the teacher wasn't looking.

He turned back around and asked a question.

I was the only one that raised my hand so he called on me.

I gave the correct answer because the teacher went "Correct, nice job Hailey."

I smiled proud of myself, but my smile faded when I heard people whisper "Nerd!" At the back of my head.

I put my head down and looked up at the board.

I answered a few more questions and got them right and got taunted more and more.

I pulled my hair down and clenched my teeth.

After a few minutes the bell rings for lunch.

I gather my stuff and get up to leave but I'm shoved by other kids back in my seat.

I sit until everyone leaves and then walk out of the classroom.

I put my chemistry stuff in my locker and when I'm almost finished I pull back quickly because my locker is closed with a slam.

Thank god my head or hand wasn't in that locker.

I look over to see a group of jocks laughing their butts off.

I sigh as I walk to lunch getting shoved as I walk by almost everyone.

I get my lunch and look out at all of the tables.

Every time I get close to one someone puts their bag down so I can't sit.

Once I pass by Raven's table it's no different "Sorry, this table is anti loser! Better luck next time, nerd!" She gives a taunting wave.

When I start to walk away I feel the ground fall from under me.

As I land on the hard ground pain ripples through my body.

My ears are ringing, which is good so I can't hear the ENTIRE FREAKING SCHOOL laughing at me.

I look back to see Raven and her friends laughing and I know she tripped me.

"Watch where your going next time, Dweeb." Raven calls in between laughing.

Her friends call similar things from the table.

I pick myself up and my lunch is all over the front of my shirt.

"Aw, that's too bad. Not much of a loss though, it was hideous anyway." Raven says to me.

I turn back to look at her with a mad expression on my face and she smirks.

I look around at everyone still laughing at me and I guess my brain can't handle anymore because my legs carry me out of the crowded lunch  room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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