Be my mate

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As the blue cape hurried away, a black form slowly started to stalk the bright blue cloak. As the moon was full put and was perfectly bright. As the blue figured was pinned again a tree, by a large, wolf-like beast.

"Gray~Sama! Stop being a meanie!" The blue-haired girl said as the beast chuckled. It was a very well built young man, with a long black coat, with no shirt, with baggy pants and boots. Hanging from his back was his tail and on his head was a pair of fluffy ears.

"Aw come on, you're so easy to find my blue princess" He chuckled at her angry face. She pouted and crossed her arms. "It's not fair! You used your nose!!" She said annoyed. "I didn't have to even use it! You blue hood gives you away!" He said laughing.

She glared at him once more, before turning her head away. Not daring to look at him. "Come on Ju. You know I'm right" "No!" Gray chuckled at the beauty in front of him. She could act so childish and he could still love her. "Come on Juvia. Don't be that way." "Grrr"

He smiled and leaned in. Grabbing her face in his hands. Her eyes widen. "N-No! No kisses!!" She said as she tried to push him away, to no avail. "I deserve a prize and since you're angry!" He said leaning closer in. "N-No! I'm not going to let you-"

She was quickly shushed, by his lips on hers. Juvia tried to push him away, but he was too strong, soon she started to kiss back. As her arms snaked around his neck as his wrapped around her waist. As their tongues soon danced with each other as they began to lose their balance.

Juvia soon pushed Gray down to the floor of the forest. When he hit the forest floor, he groaned in the kiss, flipping them so she would be on the floor, pinned by him. His mouth soon moved to her neck as he kissed it, biting it lightly, making sure not to let his sharp teeth hurt her.

He soon sucked his lips on a certain place on the blue's neck. As she moaned in pleasure. His hands began to go to her thighs as he felt his pants tighten. They were about to lose themselves. To each other. "JUVIA!!!"

Both stop and were startled. They both looked in the same direction where the sound came from. From the long distance, they could see a woman with blue hair calling in front of a village gate. Calling out for her daughter. "JUVIA!!! Time to come home!!!" She yelled.

Gray groaned. Their little moment was ruined by her mother calling her daughter back home. "Oh.. Mom is calling me" She whispered. Gray nodded getting up, holding his hand, helping the maiden up. "I wish I could stay longer. So we could enjoy more of each other" She said.

As she leaned on his chest he wrapped his arms around her. "Yeah me too. But we must savior these few meetings. I'll keep howling at night for you." He said. He loved her so much, but it killed him how they could barely meet and love one and other. He wanted more.

He wanted to mark her. But they're visits were always too short to even probably ask her. He wanted to spend all of his life with her. Sadly, with how her village viewed his pack, there was no promising ending.

"Goodbye, Gray~sama." She said as she kissed him. He kissed back. Though only brief, too him it felt forever. He loved how her lips felt and tasted. She was so cute. When they were together he felt his world seem more clearer.

As Gray began to take his leaving, heading back to his pack, he kept thinking of her. He could remember when they first. He remembered seeing a flash of blue going by when he was hunting, he then saw her. With a basket full of goods scared of the woods. When he approached her she was so scared, but it didn't matter to him.

He could kill her easily, but something in the back of his mind... Something about her, just drawn something deep inside him to wake. As he tried to talk, she told him she lived in the village nearby, but that her uncle and her grandmother didn't, but lived in the woods.

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