I don't miss the way he side glances me. "You can call me Ashton."

My cousin, Tiffany, smiles and glances at me also. "Are you single Ashton?"

"It's...she...things are complicated."

Him and this complicated thing. What we have is not complicated. Acquaintances with benefits. Sometimes we can be considered friends.

Turning to my family, I clarify Ashton's words. "He has a friend with benefits where they just have sex, nothing else. He wants her, yet never even considered asking her if she wanted him back, because I think she might have truthfully said yes. But at this point I think she only wants sex."

Everyone's eyes are on me, odd expressions covering their face. Ashton's gaze holds something that I don't want to discover. A question I don't want to answer.

Excusing us from the group, Ashton takes my hand and pulls me along, his jaw tight. My heart begins to pound in my chest as he guides me into the house and up the stairs to the door of my bedroom. It's the easiest room to find. My doors are painted and a nameplate reading 'Lana Davis' pretty much gives it away.

Ashton guides me in then quietly closes the door behind me. A little too quietly. I don't turn around to see what he's doing but I can feel his eyes penetrating into me.

Walking up to my dresser I look in my large mirror. I see Ashton come up behind me, one arm sliding around my waist, and the other curling around my throat. I swallow hard and meet his gaze in the mirror.

Is he mad? I can't tell what he's feeling, but I know he isn't about to go easy on me. He leans down and flicks his tongue across my neck before he bites. His teeth scrape over my flesh and I let out a groan as electricity sparks through me. He moves up and his lips brush my ear.

"I didn't like the way you gave out all my business back there, Lana."

"Our business," I correct.

He hums. "They don't know it is 'our' business. Tell me you won't give out any more of my business."

He's definitely not going to go easy on me. I don't think I want him to.

"I won't tell if you stop calling me complicated."

He shrugs. "You are."

"Ashton," I bite through my teeth.

He agrees then straightens, meeting my gaze in the mirror with a smile spreading over his lips and I know whatever I'm envisioning my price will be much higher. He steps behind me and places his palm on my back. I shiver all over and watch with rapt attention, all other thought gone. Ashton grips my waist and slowly moves his hands down my hips. It's torture. Agony. Ecstasy. All rolled together. With excruciating slowness, he lifts the hem of my dress.

My breath quickens.

My heart slams against my ribs.

He trails a finger over the base of my spine. Very slowly.

I want to scream at him to hurry, but I clamp my mouth shut. I fear if I do that he'll stop, and I can't have that. I watch him smile and lean over my back and I feel his pants brush against my very sensitive thighs. A whimper escapes my throat and my clit pounds to the rhythm of my heart. I am on fire. Near desperate and nothing has even happened yet. His thumb trails over my stomach and I jerk as a strangled gasp leaves my lips.

"Mmmm..." he murmurs in my ear. "That's a good sound."

His erection presses against my ass and I fight the urge to press back, afraid one move will make him stop. I still don't know what emotion he's feeling. He grips my chin. "Give me your mouth."

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