Second Chance {Spinel x Pink Sapphire! Reader}

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Prompt: Shortly after her final battle with Steven, before the arrival of the Diamonds, Spinel meets a new friend.
Requested by: @FromMartyrtoPariah
{Reader is Female}

A wave of relief crashed upon you as it was announced that the residence of Beach City and New Homeworld were safe. Though the damage done by the now destroyed injector was beyond believable. People gasped as it self-destructed, worried for Steven, worried for their friend and protector. You and the other Sapphires assured them that he was safe and mostly unharmed. Steven's closest gem friends had already retreated to find him, the human girl on the pink lion following as well. You watched as they ventured off, and closed your eye, placing your hand on your gem, which lay on your left shoulder. You knew what was to come. The Spinel would grow lonely, seeing Steven with his friends, but she would reject his offer of friendship, claiming she messed things up too badly. She wants a new start.

You had always believed that destiny couldn't be changed, everything is set in stone. That's just how it is, or was. Then you met the Garnet fusion. She had shown you and all the other Sapphires that destiny could be changed. It was how she had met the Ruby of her fusion. Admittedly, you found it easier to open up to the idea compared to the others. Most of the other Sapphires had grown with Homeworld, learning under their rule so acceptance for change had come harder for them. You were bubbled for thousands of years shortly after the end of the rebellion along with the rest of Pink's gems, so Homeworld customs weren't as instilled as well in you. Anger filled your chest at the thought. You knew Pink couldn't save everyone, you had accepted this, but after finding out that Pink Diamond has spent the rest of her days happily on earth, that changed. While she was enjoying her time among the humans, her loyal subjects sat bubbled for what could have been eternity had it not been for Steven. Though as you felt your skin begin to run cold, you took a deep breathe and calmed your nerves.

"I'm going to help her." You announced to a yellow Sapphire, a newer friend of yours.
"Why would you do that?" She tilted her head in slight confusion, unable to grasp her head around why you would.
"The Diamonds," you paused, "they wouldn't give her the second chance she deserves. They would just treat her like some Pink Diamond replacement. Not as herself."
Your friend opened her mouth to object, but couldn't find the reasoning to do so as she gazed into the future. She simply smiled, a nodded. "You may want to go soon, or you'll find the Diamonds might beat you too her." She joked.
You chuckled and nodded, then began to run towards the nearest warp, determination in your eyes. From there you warped to Steven's house and rushed out, scanning the area for the group, but more specifically Spinel. A relieved smile spread across your face as you realized this is when Spinel would admit her feelings towards a fresh start to Steven.
"I'm going to need to work at it." You managed to catch from Spinel.

Stepping out from your hiding spot, you offered a kind smile,
"Perhaps I can help with that."
Everyone turned you, and you swore you saw a smirk on Garnet's face. As you turned to look at her, she raised her hand to a thumbs-up and gave you a 'got for it' grin. However, Spinel seemed slightly taken aback. She hadn't realized that there were Pink Sapphires, though, she didn't know about most of the gems that were within Pink's rule. It was rare that she ever left the garden.
"Pink Sapphire," Steven hadn't made a nickname for you yet, "what are you doing here?" He seemed just as confused as Spinel.
"I came to forgive Spinel for what happened." You stayed within your spot, but turned your gaze to her offering another smile, "Pink wronged many gems within her time, perhaps it's time we come together to move past the trauma." You raised an open hand for her. She seemed hesitant, unsure if she should trust you. Steven looked at Spinel, "You said you wanted a fresh start. This could be it. She is a really kind gem and she'll take care of you. You can trust her." He urged her forward.
She looked hesitantly between you and Steven, before a smile eventually spread across her face. She moved forward and took your hands. "Are you sure you want be my friend? After all I've done."
You nodded and chuckled, "You wouldn't be the first gem to try and destroy Beach City out of anger. You can trust me."
Just then the ground began to shake, the two of you looked up to the sky to see the diamond ship, and hear the sing song voice of Blue Diamond. Spinel yelped and shrunk, hiding behind you, her hands resting on your shoulders.
"If you don't want them to see you, we can go elsewhere?" You offered. She nodded nervously as you took her hand and waved goodbye to Steven, wishing him good luck with the Diamonds and running off with Spinel.

As the two of you found yourselves far enough away that you could barely even hear the Diamonds, you took a moment to laugh. Spinel laughed as well, although it soon faded out and a look of fear and sadness filled her vision. You rested your hands on her forearms and gave her a soft smile, "Are you okay Spinel?"
She nodded yes and remained quiet, though after a few moments of silence she began to tear up, opening her mouth to speak.
"You really won't leave, right? I mean, I destroyed your home. Why would you want to spend your time with someone like me?"
You sighed softly and wrapped your arms around her neck, pulling her in close and rubbing circles into her back.
"I understand your anger for Pink Diamond. What she did to you, it was awful, no one is going to blame you for what happened. Believe me, people are far to kind here to do that, and far to used to these situations. You deserve a second chance."
You hear Spinel's breathing hitch as her sobs grew somewhat louder. "Thank you." She whined happily and returned the hug, gripping to you tightly. "Of course." You hummed, running your hands through her hair and pressing a kiss to her cheek,
"That's what best friends are for."
Word Count:
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Sorry if this seemed rushed, as well as for the long wait. I've had a busy weekend. Also apologies if I misunderstood the request, if I did I hope you enjoyed the story none-the-less.
Also Thank you so much for 2k reads!! You all are amazing.
Anyhow, thank you for reading!

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