He chuckles and pushes a stray curl behind my ear. "Well I think you are gorgeous."

"You're cute if you think I would fall for that."

"Fall for what?"

"You know the 'you are gorgeous' thing."

His feigned obliviousness is kind of cute. "It's not a thing, I'm just stating the obvious. But I will do the 'let me buy you a drink' thing."

Well who could say no to that offer? Certainly not me.

With an odd boldness overcoming me, I stand to my feet and lean into the guy in front of me. "You can give me 'Sex on the Beach'," I whisper seductively into his ear as I play with his tie.

Before I can freak out by my actions, I grab my purse and pull away from him, headed for the bathroom. I barely get two steps before he takes my hand and pulls me back.

"The drink or the actual one, because I can do both."

I giggle and step away from him again. "Surprise me."

"Where are you going?"

"Ladies room."

The second I get into the bathroom, I walk in front of the sink and splash water in my face, to ensure that I am not dreaming. This is real. I am actually flirting with a hot stranger. I look into the mirror, observing my tired eyes and messy bun with stray curls falling about.

What would someone as good looking as him, want with me? Whatever the hell is wrong with him, I am going to take advantage of it tonight.

With one last look in the mirror, I straighten myself and leave the bathroom. When I get back out to the bar, I don't see the hot stranger anymore. I guess it was too good to be true. I head for the lobby and for the exit ready to just go home when I hear a familiar voice yell, "Gorgeous woman."

Turning I find my handsome stranger rushing up to me. Maybe not too good to be true.

He smiles and I can't help but smile back. "So I couldn't find a beach on such short notice, but I did find a room."

My smile widens. "So no drinks?"

"Drinks are in the room."

Like before, his hand falls to the small of my back as he guides me towards the mirrored elevator doors in the lobby. Tiny shivers work down my spine from his touch. Tonight I am going to do something I've never done before...Have a one night stand.

"What's your name?"

"No names," I say quickly.

His dark brows shoot up. "Really? You don't want to know mine?"

Avoiding his gaze again, I look at the elevator. "I don't need to know your name." Names make it more real and I would honestly prefer things to feel like a dream right now. Knowing that I can attain something unattainable and experience something I never would've done in my life is thrilling. Names will make it an actual reality. It's more fun to just be strangers in the night.

He studies me for a few beats before replying with a brief nod. He reaches for the up button and I can't help but notice his very capable hands. Then I mentally freak out again.

This isn't like me, a one-night-stand is not in me. If my friends saw me they would probably be cheering me on. But if my Mom saw...my Dad.

We step into the elevator and I immediately wish for those drinks beforehand. I'm ready to bolt, till he stands next to me in the otherwise empty elevator and the doors shut. His arm gently wraps around my waist, and his warmth seems through the cotton fabric of my grey pencil skirt. Lightly, his fingers trace the tiny clef in as he asks me if I would rather have drinks in the bar.

Can he sense my nervousness?

But going back to the bar is the last thing I want. I push him against the mirrored wall and inform him that they are not serving what I really want in the bar.

Just as a smile touches his lips, I press my mouth against his and taste him for the first time, swirling my tongue across his teeth and entwining it with his. My hands are pressed against the mirrored wall on both sides of his head and his fingers tug at my hair tie before channeling into my curls. He consumes me, kissing me in a way that makes my pelvis arch against him unconsciously.

I can feel his erection pressing against me and it sends my entire mind into a whirlwind like one of those carnival rides that whip you around in circles until you can't even remember your own name. He is very well endowed.

Spinning me 180 degrees so that my back in now pressed against the wall and his rock-hard chest is pressed against mine, entrapping me. I feel his hands grip mine, lifting them above my head as he plunges his tongue into my mouth in a needy, suggestive rhythm. His kiss is addictive and if he had broken it off right then, I would have grabbed his face and demanded for more.

The heat between us is searing, rising from my skin. His body is hard and big and broad and makes me feel tiny. I kind of like this feeling.

Releasing me from his possessive grip, his hands travel along my body, down my sides, the pads of his thumbs lightly brushing against the curve of my breasts. I ache to strip off my silk blouse and feel him against me with nothing in between us.

The elevator finally dings, and the doors open to an empty hallway. He must have felt me go limp, because he gives a quick glance over his shoulder then lifts me off my feet and carries me out of the elevator. The last time I was lifted by a man I was 6 years old and I sprained my ankle playing soccer with my dad, and the guy that lifted me up was my dad.

My dad who would be shaking his head at me me right now.

Guilt threatens to extinguish the glorious feelings that are shooting off like fire-works throughout my torso. I fight my good-girl conscience, my hands moving to the sides of his face as I kiss him while he walks down the hall with me in his arms. I focus on the indescribable taste of him as I dip my tongue further into his warm, inviting mouth. I inhale deeply, nearly swooning from his intoxicating scent, a simple, soapy fragrance with a hint of mint.

He sets me down gently to fumble for a key card in his pocket. I'm actually going through with this, I think to myself. I am about to have crazy mindless, sex with a complete stranger.

I nudge him against the door before he is even able to slip the card into the slot. I splay my hands against his chest, the thin fabric of his dress shirt warm to my touch. Then I feel them: real, defined, firm six-pack abs. Right here in the vacant hallway, I can't resist pulling his shirt out just a little so I can slip my fingers underneath the hem and touch them.

I purr in response. I think I know how kitties feel when they brush up against surfaces. I have never touched anything so fine in my life. My hands seem to sizzle against his skin, sending a shimmering sensation from my fingertips to my core.

I touch my mouth to his and tentatively trace his perfectly formed lips with my tongue. I feel him moan, low and mildly menacing, and he drops his keycard to the floor, digging his fingers into my hair agin. His hands then move to my back, pulling me closer so that I can feel just how much he wants me right now.

He begins to do something incredible with his tongue, titillating me in a way that simply cannot be replicated by any of the guys I have ever been with. He makes my body thrum in a rhythm that seems almost primal in reaction, and I'm wondering what other parts of me could spark to life with that gifted tongue.

He pulls his mouth from mine and bends down to retrieve the key, just long enough for me to check out an amazing ass. I wonder if he has any tattoos on his body. I wonder if he'll let me trace my tongue along the hills and valleys of those sculpted muscles.

With one last smile in my direction he slips the key into the slot and pulls me in. Let's find out what the man can give me.

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