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1844 - hemming home

Stone framed windows and cream curtains add an orange glow to the bright morning light where every morning when the clock turns seven creates an ethereal sunrise. This light becomes the greatest artist with colours of crimson, pink and orange in a mix with the Earth's greatest star. She rises on the horizon and erases even the darkness of an abyss the night before. Arriving without an invitation yet we dwell in on her welcome with open arms. She is our gifted essential ignited to bring warmth, challenging us to seek beauty within.

It is the invitation of the perfect flame.

Only silhouette before, but as she casts her welcoming rays on skin, the world is awake and you'll be each and every colour you can imagine. She welcomes you and captures you as a soul to the star with golden grace.

In the advanced light that seeped into the dark room, her face that once belonged to a black and white picture warmed into colour, so strong and potent. For a moment, her mind conjured up the past sunrises of a frequent schedule where she stood at that very window and felt the warmth elope her body.

It was her peace before the storm.

It was inevitable, hard to escape yet easy to clutch onto. Too far in to turn around and say never mind.


The young woman heard that familiar voice and prayed to the heavens that she could spend just one more minute alone. "Acadia!" But her mother's loud and echoing voice pulled away from the window.

"Yes, mother?" Her much softer voice contrasted against her mothers roughened words beautifully. So odd and so strange that it was unfathomable to believe Odette taught her how to live.

Odette had both hands clasped over each other. "Prepared for our guests?"

The mothers face was expressionless and tight together. Eyes tense, lips straightened - no emotion. Acadia cannot remember the last time she's heard Odette crack a smile or a mere smirk. It was just eerie silence with zero explanation.

Well, tell a fib, the explanation was very quite clear. You could hear it from the office just a hallway down from the kitchen - sickeningly sweet laughter and whispered down moans.

"Acadia, inform your father of our guests. He needs to be ready." A sigh left her lips. "I don't want another thing going wrong because of him."

Acadia's brown eyes fleeted between her mother and the office door. "Surely you can get the ma-"

"Contrary to popular belief, that maid is with Richard as we speak. Tell your father, please."

She obviously didn't want to talk to her father, let alone enter his office. But these guests that were arriving in a few hours were going to increase profit in her fathers work. He'll give accommodation and food for praise and money. The perfect deal.

"Father," her voice was scratchy as her knuckles pressed to the wood. "May I talk to you?"

Screechy squeals of laughter and giggles filled her ears as the wooden door creaked open enough so she could see her fathers head. "What is it?"

Acadia forced a gulp - she did not like what she could see and hear. "You must get ready, father. Our guests will be arriving shortly and we need to look presentable for them to take up part of your business-"

"What do you know about business, girl?" Acadia shut herself up. "But... very well. I'll finish my," He looked back at the woman who started to giggle behind him. "duties and dress for the Mikaelson's."

AUTOPHOBIA . KOL MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now