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It'd been years since the time war, years since Larken had lost everything.

It's so dark.

How long had it been? Two years? No. It couldn't have been. Larken had regenerated ten times at least, although her first had taken longer than the others, she'd counted through her tears and pain.

Where am I?

Their taunting voices still rang in her ears, even from all those years ago.

"They're all dead. You're all alone."

That meant he was gone too. Her best friend, the man she had planned so many adventures with.

Her Tardis was long gone, they had destroyed it in front of her when she was first captured.

Why does this hurt so much?

Two hearts means twice the heartbreak. Larken remembered everything.

The looks of horror and despair on her father and mother's faces as they pushed her into the Tardis that would become her own.

Gone. I'm alone...

"Someone... anyone, please help," Larken whispered hoarsely, closing her eyes and letting her tears fall.


Lily Collins as

Lily Collins as

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Larken Howard

Christopher Eccleston as

Christopher Eccleston as

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The Doctor

Billie Piper as

Billie Piper as

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Rose Tyler

The loneliest people are the kindest.
The saddest people smile the brightest.
The most damaged people are the wisest.
All because they do not wish to see anyone suffer the way they do.


A/N: Here it is! This is a story I'm quite determined to finish, but I'm writing it in a notebook while I type it. Kind of a round about way of doing it I suppose, but it works for me!


Two Lost SoulsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant