3 days to go

2 days to go

1 day to go

The say has come!!
You don't even understand how keen I am for a solid feed at McDonalds😍😍

The whole family was arriving,one family at a time. Soon the whole family was there and everyone was so excited to see each other as most people hadn't seen each other since last Christmas accept for the rare occasion that we would run into each other at the local centerlink.

All the kids grow taller, the adults got louder and all us teens got pregnant👍
We really do grow up so much in a year,last year I was just this scrawny little girl who liked lollipops;) and were a size extra small.Now look at me I'm fitting into a size medium at supre...We'll that May be because I'm pregnant but still!!

In a teenage girls life we tend to be in situations in which we need to make huge disorients that could change our life forever, it's a massive responsibility for any girl. I'm in one of those situations now, what if I make the wrong decision and my life could e over as we know it...

I was sick of the waiting and it was finally time to make that massive decision🙀 it all comes down to these few seconds. I couldn't wait any longer my tummy was yelling at me as if it was telling me to just go for it. So I did .
"Can I please have a .... a.... a ..... a....
Large cheeseburger meal with a lemonade for the drink?!!

A huge weight had lifted off my shoulders and I was finally able to enjoy the rest of my night without worrying about what meal I was going to order,phew.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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