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Luke P.O.V

      It was a Saturday noon when we arrived, the airport was empty. Barely any living things around, mostly workers on their job. The 4 of us were leaving and getting the only transportation that we really knew. Which was a cab. I called the company as soon as we got our luggage, and waited for them about 10 minutes later after I had called and given them our location.

A black small car drove up, with the company's name on the side and the whole shazam.

"Hello, I'm Tyler and I'll be your driver for the ride." He stepped out of the small vehicle and showed his identity. 25 year old man, had a little facial hair.

He helped us with our many bags and we drove off as soon as we were all seated.

"So were are y'all headed?" He turned around in his seat.

"8546 North, Evermoor road. 49278" Calum read of the paper that was handed to us by our old school.

"There? hmm not very many people go there. And for what business if I may ask." He looked at us through the car mirror.

"We're exchange students, from Australia." Ashton answered adjusting his red bandana.

" Ah I see, I can mostly tell because of that little accent of yours." He chuckled, and followed the directions he was told.

We all looked at each other. Typical Americans.


The ride was a long hour, so the man got paid good. He dropped us off at the school front.

The school was huge, and strangely in a forest, surrounded by a forest, and has the word forest in the High School name. Guess they like nature.

We walked down the pavement path leading to the entrance towards the office.

"Calum open the door for us mate." I called out.

"Does it look like I can?" He gave me a are-you-kidding-me expression. "I have a lot more things than any of you three."

He was right. He had a small cage in one hand, oh yeah forgot to mention. He has a snake. Anyway a large suitcase in the other, a small duffle bag hung around his neck and a flannel around his waist. How much more can this boy carry?!

Ashton decided to open the door for us 4 and walk in. It was silent, dead silent.

You could hear our footsteps being heard throughout the school halls.

"Hello boys" A lady spoke loudly. We all spun around quickly.

The women was more of an elder with gray hair. She was wearing a navy blue formal suit, with a skirt. Pearls hung around her neck, and on her ears. Pure white gloves on her hands.

"Um hi?" Ashton spoke.

"Wait I thought it was hey?" Michael pointed at him with a confused expression.

"Does it matter wheather its Hi or Hey?" Calum shoved himself into the conversation.

"Boys." The women spoke again immediately grabbing their attention.

"Sorry Ma'am" They said in unison.

"So as I assumed you four must be the new exchange students?" She folded her hands together patiently waiting for an answer.

"Yes indeed, if this is Forest Evermoor Highschool?" I replied with a nodd.

"Alright then follow me." She walked towards us, and headed towards the other side of the building.

Night Vision (5sos werewolf, supernatural, vampire)Where stories live. Discover now