Chapter 2

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                       They had been at sea already for a week the only upside Eunseom could find from the situation was at least they fed him. The salt water burned his wound through his bandages but as least he wasn't covered in purple blood anymore. Though he couldn't under stand what they were saying based on the way they treated him he figure they either didn't realize that the purple was his blood, thus marking him an igutu, or they had never heard of one, after all neither had he until he left Iark and entered Arth. If they knew would they treat him like the people in Arth did? he didn't want to find out. 

                      There was still no land in sight. Luckily today the waves had been as harsh compared to previous days but the dark clouds in the sky promised the peace would not last long. Eunseom decided to take advantage of the calm sea to catch up on sleep lost to the the seas' previous wrath, and pulled the scratchy fabric blanket that was provided to him by the sailors and cocooned himself and promptly fell into sleep, to exhausted to even have nightmares.

                        "Don't suppose he's sick do ya?" asked one of the men to the others while observing their sleeping cargo.

                    "What makes you say that?" 

                    "Well look at his lips they're purple, doesn't that usually happen before someone dies of illness?"

                  "Damn it..." The sailor got up to closer inspect the slave, "you're right, good thing he was cheap but what should we do with him we're almost to land."

                 "Resell him?"

                "He's obviously sick that won't work," to emphasize his point he waved his hands toward the person in question.

                "Here I have and idea," The sailor bent down and pulled a small knife from his pocket  making a small cut on his finger and gently smeared the blood on Eunseom's purple lips making the appear a bright healthy red, "there that should do it."

              "It passes I guess just as long as no one checks to close," with the situation settled all four sailors returned to work.


               Eunseom awoke to the sound of crashing waves and foreign shouting. The four men running about the boat as waves crashed over the side and rain poured down from the dark sky. when lighting struck Eunseom noticed something in the distance. It had been so long it took him a moment to realize it was land. That meant this hellish boat ride was almost over, before he let the optimism fill him he crushed it, it could be worse once they landed.

                Slowly but surly they reached the dock of the small town and despite the terrible weather there was still people doing work around the dock and small stores to make sure the storm didn't damage anything. As Eunseom was dragged from the boat and lead by his wrists he stole glances at all the people and noted the strangeness of there features. some who noticed him also gave varying looks, interest, indifference, curious. But one thing Eunseom realized, they were no longer the foreigners, he was.

               He was led to the front of a building where he was left tide to a post outside while the vikings went into the build, Eunseom could here there were many people in there. Now that he was alone he began to gain his barrings. As he looked around he noted the difference in architecture and clothing. It was now that it fully sunk in that he was truly far from home the chances of seeing Tanya again were gone. He dropped to his knees legs giving out from the emotional pressure. He began to sob quietly hiding his face in his bound hands, the rain also helped to conceal his tears not that it mattered to him anymore.

               Hours passed and the storm finally calmed down when his captors came back out. They dragged him further into town, he couldn't tell if it was a busier part of town or if more people had come out now that the storm was over. When they finally stopped Eunseom realized that there where others in various bindings, this must be another slave market. it took awhile for the market to pickup. As time went on there had been a few inquires on him but no one had completed the purchase. He wanted to sit and rest but the vikings kept him on his to be displayed, just as he was about to try and sit again a man approached them.

               "Hello my good sir!" one of the captors greeted the man loudly, Eunseom tried to make sense of what he was saying but none of what he spoke even sounded similar to Arth or any of the other tribes' languages from Iark. "Interested in this slave? as you can see by his build we guarantee he'll do well on farmland or fishing boats."

                "Hmmm," the man pondered "I was think of buying him as a gift for the new Jarl, does he do housework well?

               "But of course, his small build also lends to that aspect of work." 

                Based on the mans tone of voice this time it seemed to be going well Eunseom noted. How far would he be dragged this time.

                  "How much?" the buyer asked.

                 "20 silver coins."

                 "Deal," the man handed over a small pouch and Eunseom registered that a deal had been made and he was passed off to new hands.

                 Eunseom prepared himself for another long journey only to find that his destination was only a few streets down. It was a small house with only two rooms was all that he could observe before he was locked into one of said rooms. The only thing in the room beside himself was a crude bed mad of a pile of straw and cover by a dull fabric. Exhausted Eunseom threw himself on the bed. He curled tightly into himself and succumbed to sleep steeling himself for tomorrows challenges.


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