Chapter 10❤️

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June's POV

I woke up the next morning to a bed to myself, just scattered across the bed. I had a few texts from Lindsey, Mahogany, and Carter

From Linds😘😘❤️

'Hey gurl!! Wake up soon were leaving for San Francisco in 2 hours!!!'

From Lox Girly👸

'Wake up Junnnnne!!!'

'If you don't wake up soon I'm coming to pour cold water on your face!!'

Reading Mahogany's texts always made me laugh

From Da Bro👹👹

'June hurry up and get your ass out of bed already!!'

After reading everyone's texts I got up and got ready for a plane trip.. ugh I hate planes!

I'm wearing plain black leggings with an oversized Christmas sweater, because planes are normally really cold, dark brown combat boots, I curled my long brown hair then put it into a high ponytail. Then for my makeup I just but on my normal, bb cream, mascara, and nude pink lip stain.

Once I'm done all that I finally get packed and bring my bags to the lobby and go get some breakfast. Waffles with blueberry yogurt and orange juice!

Then I go upstairs to Lindsey and Mahogany's room to meet everyone

"Okay!" Jack G yelled getting everyone's attention

"Bart has already left to set up in San Fran, so he left me the information to where we go and how we get there!" He said with a smile

After he explained everything to us we got up and went to the airport.
I get to sit with Aaron and Hayes on the plane and of course they make me sit in the middle! This is going to be a long ride..

"Ugh!" I said putting my head on Aaron's shoulder

"What's up Ducky?" he asked kissing my forehead making me blush, I covered my face so he didn't see me blushing

"Hey! uncover your beautiful face!" he said taking my hands away from my head

"You look really cute when your blushing ducky" he said smirking

"SHUT UP ALREADY!! IM TRYING TO SLEEP!!!" Hayes was mad at us for talking so I decided to try to sleep as well I layed my head down on Aaron's shoulder and fell asleep.

*getting off the plane*

"Holy crap June!! The plane is crashing!!!" Hayes yelled I jumped up in shock and gripped Aaron's arm, I was almost started crying it was horrible

"Your fine June, he was just trying to scare you" Aaron said giving me a big bear hug. We stayed like this for a while letting people pass us so we didn't slow everyone down getting off the plane


Quick update I have homework that I have to do that I may or may not have forgotten about.... Anyways have a good Day/Night
Love you ❤️❤️😘


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