Moving Day Charpter 2

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A/N going to try to make this a longish Chapter :) hope you like it anyways tho.

And just letting everyone know this is going to turn into a Aaron fanfic it's just starting off with Carter. Anyways have a good Night/day or whatever



Carter's POV.

"Yo June you done packing?" I called across the hall

"Yup! Just putting a few more things in a box and talking to Lindsey and Cam, what bout you bro you done?" she called back

I haven't talked to Cameron in almost a year because I hurt his sister... meaning breaking her heart...

"Ya I'm done, tell Cam I said Hi." is all I wanted say because I don't want him to be pissed off at me forever he was one of my best friends until I was caught being kissed by my ex girl friend Vanessa,


I was walking past her on Bourbon Street and she just looked at me while I walked past she grabbed me and made it look like I pinned her to the wall to kiss her when it was really her grabbing me and forcing me to kiss her, she said she if I didn't kiss her she would hurt Lindsey and I didn't want that to happen but when I kissed Vanessa Lindsey walked around the corner and started to cry on the spot, I think she fell to her knees at first but then got up and ran to Cam who then went looking for me to beat the living shit out of me...

And that's when she broke up with me.. I was heart broken and so was she, but I'm glad her and June stayed friends because they were really like sisters back then.

*flashback ends*

"Carter says hi cam"

"Mmhm" was all cam said then left the room..

"June!! Carter! get the last of your stuff together were packing the moving truck in 15 minutes!"

"Ok" Carter yelled as out dad instructed us he finish packing

I just didn't reply and told Lindsey I would text her the whole trip there and we agreed so I hung up the FaceTime and checked my twitter 'Leaving for LA in 10 mins! can't wait so see @Lindseylover2886 again!!' (btw this is just something add up I'm not sure if it's a real user or not)

OMG I forgot to get dressed and I am not going to the airport in spandex and a t-shirt... I quickly grabbed a pair of black leggings, a Carter Reynolds t-shirt a red magcon hoodie and I just left my hair inter messy bun, I put on a big scarf and my red toms, some bb cream just to cover some blemishes and mascara.. I made sure I had my phone charger iPad charger and laptop charger in my carry on aswell as my phone, my ipad, amd my laptop,and a water bottle, and wallet then I was ready to leave.

*at the airport*

I got a random text from a number I didn't know, saying...

'Can't wait to finally meet you, ive heard good things <3


And I didn't know what to think so I asked Carter and he said it was Aaron Carpenter! I screamed out loud by accident and I'm pretty sure the whole airport heard it..

"Shit did I scream out loud?" I asked while Carter who laughing to hard he ran into someone,

"Hahahaha yeah that was really loud does someone have a crushy poo on Aaron???" He asked in a baby voice

"No!" I hissed but I knew that he knew I was lying because I could feel my cheeks heat up

He just laughed at first but I knew he was going to tease me forever now but it's whatever..

*At the LA airport*

So we just landed in LA and I'm so existed I get to to Lindsey again in person I haven't in like just over 2 years, it sucks! I mean she's still by best friend and she is always goin to be, I love her she is like the sister I never had..

But I get to see her once we go out of this god damn plane, she's waiting out side the gate probably on her toes (lol)... And as soon as I got off the ramp thing I dropped all my bags and ran up to her to give her a hug.

"Where's cam? I need a hug from him to" I asked

"I didn't tell him I was coming to meet with you.... he said he was going to kill Carter, and yes I am still mad at him but I still don't want him to die.." She whispered back too me,

"Oh well thennn... oh Carter knows I like Aaron...." I told her and her face yet red.

"Linds, you okay?" I asked kinda worried

"Yeah just thinking about him makes me get butterflies" she said back I didn't want to laugh because She'd smack me.

"AARON!!!" Carter yelled across the whole airport then he walked into sight and I was speechless.. poor Lindsey was in tears at first then straightened up

"CARTAH!!" Aaron said while bringing him into a 'bro hug' I just laughed at the fact that they call them 'bro hugs' but Aaron was looking straight into my greenish blue eyes with his vibrant brown ones then Carter slapped Aaron across the face..

"Aaron you DO NOT look at MY little sister EVER AGain!!" He said sarcastically

"Ouch! you bum hole child!" Aaron was pissed off and it was really really cute he didn't normally get pissed

Aaron's POV.

I was looking at June, she was so beautiful I couldn't help but look at her.. Then fucking CARTER had to ruin the damn moment because he slapped me across the face

"Aaron DO NOT look at MY little sister EVER AGain!!" she yelled sarcastically

"Ouch! you little bum hole child!" I was pissed off at Carter

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