"No, hewp. Mama, hewp me. I sad." The sweetness and innocence of the matter could melt butter and if Albus hadn't been so serious about watching the Dursleys, he would have called Minerva back. He didn't though and both of them walked towards the hall, she was a little less willing than he was. Tears silently slipping down her face as they moved. Her breathing was rough and attempts were made to escape.

When they walked in the hall was filled with talk of what had happened the night before to stir crazy emotions in the staff. All newspapers had been held back from the students too, they would wait until the morning announcement had been made. Albus was sure to walk in and place the girl in her chair, and strap her in before sitting in his chair beside it, glee and also sadness in his eyes. Two great lives had been lost and Sirius was believed to be on the loose with a trail of destruction on his tail, it couldn't take too long to catch him, the Ministery couldn't afford that.

"Thank you, now I am sure that you are all excited and ready to receive the news. You should have been told by Filch this morning by means of your board that newspapers are withheld for the time being but for now, we may celebrate. Last night, in the dark hours a man died. The Dark Lord is gone!" The hall filled with cheers but two thick arms crossed over her chest as they did so. Her mother wasn't there for Beatriz. She wasn't going to be happy.

"Hungry?" McGonagall might not have left her child before but the adults did know about her crazed and demanding attitude towards food and consistency in life. Something that was growing to be harder and harder to accomplish.

After food, Albus stood and took a reluctant hand as they left. Lessons had been cancelled at the last second and so Dumbledore was free, the school was, for the moment, safe and he needed to talk to some of his acquaintances. No matter what was happening Beatriz had to be in her bed before the day was up and Hagrid would bring the boy to the Dursley home to live.

When the pair had left the grounds a strong grip was sought around the girl as she was lifted and a hug began between the pair. Nothing that Beatriz didn't do often as Minerva loved her hugs and so started as many as she could. On the occasion with Dumbledore though a tight squeeze was felt and Beatriz felt so sick that it might actually cause her to throw up, when she had opened her eye the place was new and unseen for her. Immediately Albus let her down and she was off for a walk. It was a quiet path that they walked down to meet the decided person and Beatriz took the time out of their day to smell the flowers and play out the time. It wasn't often that Beatriz would be allowed to run in the fields as free as she could.

Albus was barely able to keep her on track as she ran to and from places but his eyes were on her, there may have been many words to describe Beatriz but one word that couldn't be used was quiet, or fast for that matter. Little legs could barely make any move as they covered about 20cm. Five steps had to occur for her to keep up with Albus but he kindly kept it at a slow pace.

A loud knock was soon made but Beatriz was tired and so tugged at his long and colourful robes. He seemed to take the hint as the child was brought into his arms and there she held on close to him. The door wasn't opening but after about a minute they could hear a set of steps climbing towards them. The house was dark but all of the skies were so bright and joyous.

"Headmaster?" Old habits died hard but when there was a sad smile on Albus' face the old man was let in and they could talk a little about what was about to happen. Both with Severus and in turn Hogwarts as they would become a part of the same thing.

"Beatriz might need a nap so your house is safe. For now." There was light humour in his voice but it was clear that Snape was having none of it as they got into the lounge area. Books stacked up, whiskey was spotted in various areas around the house but it didn't matter much as they had other matters to talk about.

"Albus, what has happened?" The small girl turned and looked sceptically at the man in black. His hair was long and greasy, his body was bathed in black and the white dress shirt seemed to be the only light colour. Beatriz had never met him and he carried a frown, leading her to have hesitations about him.

"Well, after you departed the Potter's house the boy was taken by Hagrid. He is safe but tonight he will be placed in the care of the Dursley family. There he shall live until he is of age. Severus my boy, Minerva is at their house now but you must know that you are going to be questioned about your involvement. I imagine that they will be appearing sooner rather than later so that you are unable to run as far. I will, as I should, vouch for you but as soon as the ministry is done with you, you must come to Hogwarts and prepare for the year to come. Horace is leaving us and I know how gifted you are at the subject. You are not a stupid boy, you know that I wish to keep a very close eye on you and when the time comes for him to come back, we must be ready to stop him as soon as we are able to." Snape couldn't disagree with him. Snape's focus, was on occasion, brought from Albus as Beatriz's beady eyes examined him closely.

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