The Manor, First Floor

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A/N: guys all of you are so sweet I love you all- anyways, you all who have played the game probably saw this coming, but I'm going to put my own twist on it. Keep reading to find out what it is!


Once you were up the stairs, you saw a dimly lit hallway. The walls were torn and scratched, and some of the floorboards had been pulled up.

You looked to your dweller friend, making sure he was still there.

You took a breath, then began to carefully traverse the first floor of the manor.


After a bit of wandering, you found that you needed a key to go upstairs because the door was locked.

You went into the room on your right, seeing a piano and a bookshelf. Although, a single book had a key in it. You looked at the piano, and there was a lock on that, too.

So, you headed into the room behind the piano to see a kitchen with a freezer. You decided to open the freezer, and inside there was a silver key.

Picking it up, you headed back to the piano and inserted the key, unlocking the lock. The piano then crashed down with a loud thud and some of the keys being played.

You squeaked when it made such a loud noise, and looked around for a moment.

"Who dares to enter my home?!"

Pure fear ran through your body as you looked for a place to hide. You saw a shadow from beneath the door and you quickly hid under a small bench.

The door then opened and you could see black feet. Your heart started to race as you threw your hands over your mouth.

"Come out, come out where ever you are~"

By its voice, you assumed that thing was a girl.

After you heard the door open and close again, you got from underneath the bench and tried to catch your breath. You looked at the bookshelf and realized that the book was wobbling back and forth.

You moved over to the bookshelf and reached up to grab the book. You opened it then grabbed the key, then carefully headed out of the room, seeing if you could see her.

No sign of her. Good.

You carefully headed over to the locked door, inserting the key and opening the door, heading upstairs.

It was the exact same layout.

Exact same structure.

Same furniture, walls and scratches.

"Oh no."


You continued to wander around this floor, not seeing a difference at all. You sighed as you sat on the bench in the piano room.

"Come out, little one. I only want to play a game."

Like hell you would play with her creepy ass. You looked down to your arm, hoping to see Kiri. But he wasn't there.

"Kiri?!" You called in a whisper, looking around the room. "Kiri where are you?"

You headed into the kitchen, looking for him. You saw a faint green glow coming from the fridge. You opened the fridge, seeing Kiri pointing to a box in the fridge.

"Jesus, you scared me Kiri!" You whispered to him as you put your arm out to him so he could wrap around it.

You then lifted up the create, opening it, and seeing another key. But it was bloody.

You picked it up, sticking your tongue out. "Ew."

"Let's play a game of freeze tag!"

"No thank you." You whispered to yourself as you looked around for a keyhole. You looked at Kiri, and he was pointing being the fridge.

You tugged on the fridge, pulling and sliding it to the side. You noticed a small keyhole in the wall and inserted it.


The wall paper started to vanish around the hidden door, and a knob appeared as the key vanished.

The knob was bloody as well.

"Why is there so much blood?" You whispered as you looked to Kiri as he floated next to you. You sighed as you set your hand on the bloody door knob, turning it and hearing a small click.

You pushed it open and saw something you wish you hadn't.

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