They Came

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The small piter-patter from your tears hitting the cold floor could be heard throughout the cell. There was even a slight echo to it.

You lifted your head weakly, looking around the cell and seeing all of the blood on the walls and the floor. It looked oddly familiar to you. You didn't know where you've seen this before.

A small creak could be heard as you quickly whipped your head towards the left of the room. A sliver of light came through before the door swung open.

It was that black hunchback lady with insanely long nails. She glared at you with her beady red eyes, slamming the door behind her and dragging her nails against the brick wall.



Snatcher and Kiri were back home, still sleeping. That was, until Snatcher reached to embrace you. He stirred a bit, then opened his eyes, looking around and realizing you weren't there.

You weren't at home.


The little dweller then woke up to Snatcher's stirring and quick breaths. He looked up at him, then realized you weren't in Snatcher's lap. He quickly started to make gestures with his tail, almost glaring at Snatcher.

"It's not my fault! We were both sleeping!" He protested, growling. "You're the one who should've been with her!"

Kiri preformed more gestures.

"Oh, shut up." Snatcher rolled his eyes, folding his arms. "Are we going to look for her or not, dumbass?"

The little dweller quickly nodded, then glared at Snatcher before moving out of the mushroom home. Snatcher followed after him, sighing.


They had searched the whole forest, not seeing any sign of you. They both sighed before Kiri got an idea. He quickly preformed some gestures to Snatcher.


Kiri tilted his head.

"I'm not going to go see that bastard." He turned around, folding his arms with a huff.

Kiri quickly preformed a few more gestures to Snatcher.

It took a moment before he replied with a flush face.



The two headed for the clearing in the trees, looking for the horizon. As they approached, a certain someone became visible.

"Ah, the King of the Forest!" MJ called with a grin as he tilted his head. "What are you doing here, hm?"

"Can it, space boy. I'm not here to talk." Snatcher growled, glaring at MJ.

"Then why did you come all this way to see me?" MJ asked, clearly a bit confused.

Snatcher pointed to the small dweller, rolling his eyes as Kiri preformed a few gestures, asking questions.

"Have I seen the young Miss?" He asked as Kiri nodded. "Indeed, I have. She was with the witch who locked me up here. Inside her manor is where she lies."

Kiri quickly turned to Snatcher, then zoomed off in the direction of the manor.

Snatcher growled, diving into the dirt.

"If there's a single hair missing on your head, Vanessa will be dead."


The two of them arrived at the manor, seeing the huge building and the eerie clouds around it. Kiri quickly flew to the door, easily passing through without a trace.

Snatcher, on the other hand, dove back into the ground and appeared inside the manor. He looked around, seeing nothing unusual or out of place since he's last been here.

He looked around for the dweller, carefully floating and not making a single sound. He looked into the room on his left, seeing the faint green glow of the dweller.

He was in the kitchen.

He headed inside, watching as he kept hitting his head on the door behind the fridge, trying to pass through.

"Hey, idiot." Snatcher whispered to Kiri as he turned to look at him. "Just give up already."

Kiri's head drooped as he looked downwards, then he noticed something.

There was a small crack underneath the door, but there was also blood. It seemed to be fresh, too.

He quickly pointed his tail at it, alerting Snatcher. The tall ghost looked down at it, inspecting it and growling under his breath.

"That bitch." He mumbled, putting two of claws into the keyhole and trying to unlock it. After a bit of fiddling around, he got it open.

He grabbed the door knob and opened the door, seeing your lifeless body chained to the wall with cuts and scrapes on your cheeks and legs. You also had bruises on your legs.

"Snatcher..?" You lifted your head, seeing the ghost as Kiri came into view. "Kiri?"

Kiri quickly flew over to you as you nuzzled him.

"Hey bud, I missed you too." You smiled, continuing the motion. You turned your attention to Snatcher, watching as he stared at you.

"Snatch?" You called, looking at him. "I'm okay. Please don't worry."

Don't worry.

You've Snatched My HeartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin