As Joan opened the door, she was greeted by the sight of her grandmother, Julia and a young despite her grey hair, tall blonde woman, "Ah, Joan you've arrived," Julia exclaimed offering her a seat in front of the two women. "Hello grandmother," Joan greeted as she took a seat in front of the two. "Joan, this is Diantha Ozuna the headmistress of Beacon Academy." "Please, Call me Ozuna" Joan and Ozuna shook each other's hands with a grin.

"I'm glad to see that Julia didn't lie about a strong, beautiful prodigy present in the Arc family." Ozuna stated, "I am sorry about that incident with your brother 7 years ago, I hear you two were close." Joan visibly hesitated but managed to keep her warm smile.

"Jaune and I were very close, although I have moved on from the incident, I wanted to keep his wish of becoming the strongest hunter and achieve it for him," Joan said, this struck a small awkward moment between the three but was quickly silenced by Julia.

"Joan we want to talk about your future, something.. unexpected has come up," Julia explained, looking at Ozuna to come up. "Joan, what's your favourite fairy tale?" she asked,

"It certainly would be the four maidens, the number of times I've heard it can make me say it off by heart" Joan chuckled. "Regale us with the story, we have plenty of time," Ozuna replied.

Once upon a time, humanity was fighting a hopeless battle against the Grimm, the dark gods fueling their power as huntresses could do nothing against their might. A single Beowolf could take a professional Huntress with little to no difficulty. However that is where the maidens came in, stuck in an eternal slumber by the dark lords, a single huntress went around the world awakening them from their sleep, and with the combined might of humanity and the maidens, they slew every single dark god. At the end of the battle, the maidens were exhausted and fell ill which lead them to their death. However 1 generation later 4 new maidens emerged and guarded remnant before falling to death.

as the cycle repeats itself again and again even to this day so maybe a maiden may be right beside you right at this moment.

Joan finished the story with a sigh as a small claps came from the other two. "One last thing," Ozuna said as she brought a set of toys onto the table. "Close your eyes and fuel your aura into it each toy you touch, after all of them pick the one you felt the connection with the most."

Although a little bit sceptical, Joan did what she was told and fueling her massive aura reserves into every toy, she picked a singular toy. the toy was unusual, as all of the other toys. There was no way a child were to pick up and play with it. it was a carved statue of a person, carved to extreme detail and alluring in a way. And her aura responded to that.

"I choose this one" Joan pronounced, signifying to the carved figure in her hand. her grandmother and Ozuna heaved a relieved sigh and smiled towards her. Julia put her hand on Joan, "Everything will be alright dear," at this point, Joan became even more confused.

"Grandmother, forgive me for interrupting. But what is happening? What's going to be alright?" Joan interjected, slipping away from her grandmother's grasp. fear gripped her ever so slightly as her hand hovered over the Crocea Moors. "You'll be coming with me Joan, We have a lot to talk about," Ozuna spoke menacingly before sending taking away Joan. "Trust me on this, you will become the strongest huntress Remnant has ever seen." Ozuna comforted her, eventually falling to her trust and followed her to the bullhead awaiting them outside the palace.

Mistrali Forests

Jaune took his greatsword as he cleaved through the grimm, it was not his first encounter with the Grimm but due to the lifestyle most men took, for Cardin, it was miles outside of his comfort zone. With his newly crafted dual maces after many hours of work, it took a lot out of Cardin facing minor Beowulf, and could barely run away from another one.

"Alright let's try this," Jaune said as he gathered a ball of light in his hand, looking at his target, the Alpha of the pack came charging in. In one swift movement, Jaune threw the ball of light, speeding towards the target with the speed of light, completely vaporising its head into a mushy, flaming ball of meat.

"How *gasp* the hell *gasp* did you do that?!" Cardin exhaustingly exclaimed, "It's called a devil fruit, pretty neat huh,"

Cardin looked towards the victim of that one shot and paled a the sight of the bloody decapitated corpse fading away with the mistrali winds. "Uh-huh," Cardin nodded.

"Talkin about powers, Couldya tell me about my ones?" Cardin asked he took a seat on a nearby patch of grass awaiting Jaune's explanation. "Oh right, your powers are called Haki, you currently have the power to wield two types. Kenbunshoku Haki is a form of Haki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see normally., the next is Busoshoku Haki is a form of Haki that allows the user to use their spirit to create, in essence, an invisible armour around themselves, providing potentially incredible offensive and defensive capabilities. Although, according to my teacher, I have barely even touched the surface of the power of haki." Jaune chuckled, however to Cardin, this was not a joke at all. 'The fuck does he mean he hasn't unlocked his full potential! he's already strong as fuck!'

"Alright let's get you training, we wouldn't want you to you to die out here would you?" Jaune joked again, but this time Cardin fainted with only one thought circulating his mind,'did I make the right choice of following this guy?'

A/N: Jaune is training Cardin! But to be honest I'll just timeskip a few months, It'll be really tedious and boring going through the progress of both Jaune and Cardin, for the sake of pushing the story forward, I'll skip most of Jaune and Cardin's training. Anyways, If you like this part give it a vote, drop a comment if you want to review it, suggest something or just want to talk and give me a follow if you want to stay up to date with my stories!


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