I Love You Madeline

Start from the beginning

While I rambled in my head Grayson and Annabelle had already finished. It seemed like they were now changing.

"I hate it when you call her name when we're together. This is the fifth time you've called Madeline's name when were having sex. I know you love her but seriously just let it go. Your parents would probably hate you if they found out, and Madeline would find it disgusting that her fake brother wants to fuck her."

"Shut up! You already know that the only reason why I'm your boyfriend is so that you keep that a fucking secret. After you blackmailed me I wasn't really left with much of a choice."

"Oh you had a choice Grayson, you're just too scared she'll find you revolting when she finds out. But don't worry, you have me."

"Like hell am I going to be with you forever. If it wasn't for my secret I wouldn't even as much as looked at you. I really hate women like you."

"Hey Grayson! Where are you going?"

The room finally went silent and I knew they were gone.

My heart was beating fast and I felt like the room was spinning. Grayson Lockwood was in love with me? This couldn't be real.

I managed to get out of the room and sneak out of the mansion through the back door. I caught up to Lisa before she got inside the mansion.

"OMG are you ok? Were they loud?" Lisa gave me a disgusted face.

"We have to go now! I will explain everything later."

Luckily Lisa complied and we got the hell out of there.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Grayson had said. He said he loved me! But since when? I thought he hated me?

Every single day of my life Grayson Lockwood has made me aware of how much he despises me. It was almost as if my mere presence annoyed the living crap out of him.

I still couldn't believe it. I assume I was too lost in thought because Lisa began to call out my name.

"Earth to Madeline, hello." She began to wave her right hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, it's just that I was thinking about my mother. I just can't wait to see her again. It's been so long since I saw her, the circumstances we were in when she took me to the Lockwood family weren't the best. I just hope she's doing ok."

I didn't want to tell Lisa about what Grayson had said. It was still too much for me to process.

"Well don't worry so much. When you see each other it will be an amazing encounter. For now just focus on this awesome sleepover we will have and all the junk food we are about to eat."

Lisa was right. I shouldn't focus on things that worry me but instead look at the good side of life. Thinking about Grayson would just stress me out too much.

We finally arrived at Lisa's home and we quickly headed to her room.

"Where are your parents?"

"They are working as always. Although to be honest I think they are out with other people. Ever since my father cheated on my mom, things have gotten worse in our family."

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