Everything Was Lost.

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She woke to discover that she was soaking in water. Opening her mouth and gasping for air, she realized that the water tasted salty, like from the sea. Moving her legs and arms, trying to rise from her laying position, she felt the rough, soothing scrub of sand against her knees. Clare, she thought. That's my name.
But how would she know? Clare had no recollection of any past events in her life. She couldn't remember her last name, parents, family, or even what she had for breakfast that morning. Or maybe she had never had any of these things.
Of course, Clare recognized every day terms, such as parents, family, breakfast, and such, but what she could not really grasp was the names. She could, at times, vaguely recall faces of people she might've known, but never give them a name.
Everything in her mind was foggy.
Clare tried to walk. Water dripped from her blue button-up shirt and jeans. Her feet were calloused and bare. Red hair, long, curly and thin, blew wildly in Clare's face as she stumbled along the shore of the beach. Ahead was the setting sun, it's daylight burning away mercilessly at Clare's pale skin. Mountainous plateaus shone a vivid auburn , and it's tufts of grass spotted here and there turned a deep shade of violet as the day faded away. She resolved that she would find shelter to sleep in that night, and then explore more in the morning.
The plateau (like a hill with a flat peak) was about 20 feet high. Clare used small crevices and niches as footholds. Eventually, after a very painful climb due to Clare's lack of shoes, she reached the surface of the plateau. And what she saw there was breathtaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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