OC Basic Information

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Name: Hanatsuki Luna
Nickname: Tsuki, Hana, Lu/Ru-chan

Gender: Female
Age: 13
Birthday: March 9 (Pisces)


Personality: Reticent, Cheerful, Out-going, short-tempered, and Bubbly but most people's first impression on her was a quiet and serious girl

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Personality: Reticent, Cheerful, Out-going, short-tempered, and Bubbly but most people's first impression on her was a quiet and serious girl.

(I'm not really good at describing personalities. It's better if you follow the story to find out her personality.)

Hobbies: Star-gazing, Sleeping, Jogging, Singing, doodling

School: Tengawara Jr. High

Position: Defender, Mid-Fielder and Forward

Family: ???

Normal form-

GP (Games played): 127
TP (Total plays): 139
Kick: 130
Dribbling: 158
Block: 129
Catch: 102
Technique: 174
Speed: 136
Stamina: 120
Lucky: 96
Freedom: 200

Hissatsu(s): (More coming soon I guess...)

(DF)- Wind Shift
It creates a sudden strong shift in the direction of the wind which causes the player to lose balance and makes it easier to steal the ball. It can also stops a shoot or lessen the power of the shoot for the goalkeeper to catch it.

(OF)- Hikishio {Rip Tide}
It summons a heavy breaking waves in front of her that the opponents get caught up on when they're blocking her way. This hissatsu isn't really perfect, and it has a lot of openings, yet it's strong enough to take out the enemy in front of her. Also using the waves helps the opponents lose the ball and it is brought back to her.

(SH)- Dance of Pisces
The ball splits into two as it forms into two fishes from the zodiac sign that creates a confusion to where the ball is. It creates a strong and fast movement that is likely compared to a swordfish.

(SH)- Kiri no ya {Misty Arrow}
As she kicks the ball, it transforms into an arrow with Mist surrounding it that spreads throughout a certain area opponents territory causes them to be blind for a few seconds. The mist spreads for 5 meters

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