Just as Emo

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I had a homeroom with all of the girls who think they are better than everyone else.
Fuck. This. Day. Already.

I made my way to the back of the classroom, picking one of the back seats.
I caught a glimpse of the teacher.

His facial expression was so blank, as if he wasn't hearing anything they were saying. I could tell he was annoyed, I mean- I would be too, if a group of 17 year old girls were talking my ear off.

Heh, good thing I'm the "basket case" of the 2008 graduating class!

Back to the teacher.
He was young, like substitute teacher age, young. Early/mid 20's I'm guessing.
But, he was pale. Ghost pale. And his hair was midnight black.
And he-

Suddenly, mid thought, I caught myself staring at him. With my head propped on my hand. The kind of staring a person would use when looking at the midnight stars.

I looked away, pulling out my sketchbook and pencils.


"Hey look, the beginning of homeroom." I thought to myself.

I watched as all the girls that were hovering over the teacher left the room. There were only 3 other kids in my homeroom.
Weird, yet Awesome.
The blank expression that took over the teachers face disappeared, and instead he was looking for something.

I looked around the room at the others that were sitting towards the front.
I only recognized one.
His name was Matt, the biggest asshole of all time. He was a jock, and could easily knock me over.

I should know, he is one of the 5 kids who jumped me in the hall.

I had no idea who the other two were. One was a blonde girl, who looked like she belonged to the popular girls. And the other was a boy who looked just about as emo as I was.

He had black short hair, a nose piercing, and he had on a weezer shirt.
But the one thing that stuck out was that he chose to sit at the back, too.

In all the time I've been at this school, I've never seen another emo. He must've been new..
Meh. It's not like he would ever talk to me.

I went back to drawing. I started to sketch the skylines of a dark alley. Sometimes I just let my mind draw. I let the pencil do the work and I just sit and watch.
-metaphorically, obviously.

I was interrupted by the teacher introducing himself.

"Hello Everyone! As you can see, we have a very small class, so homeroom should be easy! For starters, my name is Mr.Way, and I am the art teacher."

He took role and when he called my name I raised my hand, not saying here.

After he finished, he kept talking.
But for some reason I wasn't focused on what he was saying. I was focused on him.

His dark chocolate eyes, and his medium length raven colored hair.
Both perfect, when combined with his soft pale skin.
I noticed he had a slight red tint under his eyes.
Huh, makeup.

No doubt, he was cute. Like amazingly hot.

Homeroom- RM 425
1st period- Algebra 12 ~ RM 420
2nd period- Science ~ RM 431
3rd period- Drivers Ed ~ RM 428
4th period- Language Arts ~ RM 418
5th period- LUNCH
6th period- Art ~ RM 425
7th period- US Government ~ RM 432
8th period- SH band ~ 426
9th period- STUDY HALL

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