Chapter Fourteen - Leopold

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I half expect her to jerk away from me immediately. But to my pleasant surprise, she doesn't. Perhaps I've only startled her...but no—there's something in her expression, something unmistakable. Her eyes are darker, and the blood has returned to her cheeks. I can feel her warm, sweet breath on my face.

And I can feel other parts of her, too. Those full breasts of hers are pressed against my chest, and her heart is beating so quickly I can feel it fluttering.

"Don't you agree?" I prompt. "This is much better than before."

One of her hands is on the gurney by my shoulder, but the other has been pressed between us. I feel her fingers curl against the bare skin of my chest, and I brace myself for her to push away.

But she doesn't. She seems to be paralyzed. Speechless.

And I'm only too happy to take the lead.

I spread my hands against her back, trying to feel her through the fabric of her shirt. It's unfortunate she's still clothed, but I won't rush things.

"You want me to stay in bed," I murmur, "but you also seem to think it important that I stay awake. Tell me, Elle, whatever shall I do to keep myself occupied all night?"

Thunder cracks overhead, and this time, it's followed by the unmistakable sound of rain coming down against the roof. Within the space of a breath, it goes from a small spattering of drops to a great downpour, pounding against the tiles above us.

Trapped by a storm, I think. If the storms here are as bad as Elle claims, I can't imagine she'll think it safe to try and transport me to a hospital under these circumstances. Now all I must do is convince her that I am perfectly fine.

She still hasn't moved. Slowly, carefully, I let one hand drift up her back. My fingers trace her spine all the way up to the base of her neck, where they slip into the strands of her hair. Though she clearly took great care in straightening it this morning, the humidity of this place and the events of the day seemed to have returned it to its natural state, which pleases me greatly. I like it like this—wild and untamed. I tangle my hand in the wavy strands, and she sucks in a sharp breath.

I take my time pulling her face down to mine, enjoying the way she's looking at me. The way her pupils have dilated. The way her gaze keeps flicking down to my lips.

And then she's too close to look anywhere. Her eyes fall shut. Mine do, too, and I drink in the sweet taste of her breath as I close the final distance between us.

When our lips touch, the world explodes around us.

But no—that's not us. That's the thunder erupting again overhead, and it's so close and so loud it makes the entire clinic shake.

And it seems to startle Elle out of the moment. I hardly have time to register the warmth of her lips against mine before she's jerking away. She pulls back so quickly, so violently, that she can't seem to find her feet, and she stumbles back a couple of steps as the lights flicker around us.

"Elle," I say, starting to sit up.

The lights go out.

I hear the clang of her foot colliding with something metal—the other gurney, perhaps?—then the thump of her hitting the ground, followed by a "Shit."

"Elle?" I say, getting up. It's black as pitch in here, but I move toward the sound of her muttered curses. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," she says.

She's right at my feet, and I bend over, reaching through the darkness for her. My hand finds her arm.

"Why are you out of bed?" she says. "Lie down. Now."

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