"Fine but if I even get suspicious of you two I will be taking her away from school. The house may be as empty as this girl's breakfast bowl but that doesn't mean I won't go back. Albus, this will be my first time as a teacher again and frankly, I'm not ready for that. Beatriz and I were comfortable in my foolproof retirement plan and then you insist on me coming back to Hogwarts. Just, keep her safe and for the love of Merlin, don't take your eyes off of her. There is a reason that I am so careful with her." Albus agreed and walked out. A little sadder than before and for the life of her, Minerva couldn't figure out why.

"Come on, Sherbet." Bouncing and making a mess Beatriz managed to soak Minerva but quickly a suit was pulled on. Poppers ran up the front and at the leg area but magic had to be used as she was too busy being naughty. The nappy had barely been put on when she was up and off.

"Into bed." Was cast and a squeal was sounded like she expected to be chased but Minerva was quick to walk up to her and catch her. Once in a hold though her little arms wrapped around Minerva's neck and kisses, open-mouthed kisses were placed on the older woman's neck. Minerva loved her hugs and couldn't stop the slight delay in her steps. The slight hesitation wasn't long as the small baby bed was seen and used. A little room fit for a witch.

Minerva laid her down and sat beside her, a book in hand and shortly after little eyes were covered in the thin eyelids, a small noise escaped the little nose that was slightly blocked. From there the older witch left and walked into the front room of her quarters and began to read the latest in the news. Not that it was too much of a shock. What was a shock though was the door that smacked open. Nimble fingers closing the pages and then looking up. It was a look few received from her since teaching had been given up but Albus was her first victim of the year.

"I just wanted to make sure that tomorrow was all sorted." Minerva nodded and seemed exasperated with him as he peaked his head and body through the door before winking and leaving her. She wasn't able to stay awake for much longer as heavy eyes fell and she forced herself to stand and head into her bed for the next day.

When the morning had come Minerva had woken up an hour earlier than she had when she taught last but children never did keep to the timetable. Awake and wired before adults had a chance to make it out of bed. Beatriz was particularly bad and Minerva was always conscious of that.

"Mama. Go ou' pwease?" Small hands clasped as she begged to leave. Pyjamas were strewn all across the sofa and hands wiped the sleep out of them until a conscious effort was made to stand up.

"We have to get changed first, baby." Minerva stood and took the child's hand. They walked slowly until a small room was located and clothes could be pulled on. The walls were just like the rest of the castle but the contents held things for a child.

The castle was cold and Beatriz was going to be up to less than before. No free roam and so she would be a lot colder. Not that it mattered as warmer clothes got the girl through the chilly days and night. For that day though it would be a day of greeting the students and lessons started only the day after.

A mustard dungaree dress was pulled on and a white shirt was buttoned up. It had little blue dots on that were so small they were difficult to differentiate from one another. A thick yellow ribbon was tied in her hair and the black was contrasted with. Like a bee, her black shoes were a match. The white sets of stripes that ran horizontally across the soles of the shoes met with the white of the top.

"You look gorgeous." A wide and toothy grin was all that Minerva got in reply as Beatriz pulled at the tops of the frilly black socks before jumping up and trying to get Minerva to leave. By the time Minerva had dressed herself, her daughter was on the floor and upset at the neglect that had been shown to her. The yellow buttons that ran up the skirt were pulled at but they were so large that her palms struggled to get around them.

"Mama." Was spoken over and over as the child was waiting for the time to go. Minerva hadn't taken her out as soon as was mentioned and Beatriz wasn't one to forgive unless food was provided. Or if she had a toy bought for her. By the time the pair had left the room though Beatriz was settled down and playing with her mother's hat and glasses. Often they were taken off and tired hands had to put them back onto her face. Being a mother was rewarding but with a child that was almost two, it became more of a form of discipline on the child and adult.

"Right, now that we are all here shall we begin?" As Minerva stepped over the boundary to the staff room he spoke and she sat near to the front. The child was wriggling and with the door closed, McGonagall let her break free of her grasp. A light tapping was heard as she ran all through the room and touched the walls. A few times the staff had to lift the items at their feet to stop the child from taking them.

"As we know there is a great danger facing the world as we know it. This next year is going to be vital to not only our futures but to the children's and also the Muggle world, be on guard and don't talk about the outside world while in class. We cannot bring down the air in this school with his wretched name." Staff knew that Dumbledore would have preferred to keep his words light but he couldn't. The vital nature of it all would make it inappropriate for him to make light of the situation.

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