Dont judge another witch

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Forgiveness is not always easy to give, personally I have a hard time forgiving people. I am a person who holds grudges. The moment I am hurt/betrayed I trust them no more. Trust to me is very important in a relationship. Wether Romantic or not.

Sometimes I want to hurt people who hurt me. But I remember the threefold law. And I don't. Does that mean in the future I won't, I don't know it's not something you or I can know unless you see the future.

If I do that would be my choice and the decision would be based on if they rightfully deserve it.

Now you might wondering what does this have to do with anything we're going to talk about well some witches might not be able to forgive or they may not believe in the threefold law.

Their isn't anything wrong with either of those things. It just them.

Those who don't believe may have their own reason or have gone through things that make them turn away from it.

Those who have a hard time forgiving might have been betrayed more times then they can count so they don't forgive easily anymore.

And those who do believe and still hurry up karma that's alright. Again it's their decision not yours nor mine. They have a right reason.

And those who believe and don't hurry up karma it's alright to.

It depends on the witch and what they went though.

All these things are okay and are not for us to judge. And if you are judging then you shouldn't be. You haven't walked a mile or one thousand miles in their shoes so don't judge them for their decision.

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