"Day One: Trial"

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11:55 AM Mon, September 9
Courthouse Lobby

"Huh you must be pretty worried"

Phoenix is offering a comforting word, or trying to at least,

"I'm fine don't worry about it"

I start to sweat suddenly the guard announces: The Trial is about to begin Defense, Prosecution, make your way to the Courtroom!


My name is Apollo Justice, I'm a defense attorney currently on the Attorney Exchange Program, AEP for short.

My first case is in America the charges?Sexual Assault... If I lose this case my client is looking at around 10 to 15 years of prison...

I have to win this...


<Trial OST plays>


"This Court is now in session for the Trial of David Petrakis... Are both sides ready and present?"

Edgeworth gives a smirk "The Prosecution is ready Your Honor"

I stutter out a response

"The Defense is ready Your Honor"

The Judge nods

"Prosecution Your Opening Statement?"

*Ahem* Edgeworth ready to suck up begins talking

"Today the Prosecution will prove that David Petrakis is guilty of the charges held against him."

Small pause...

"The Victim Melinda Sordino was ahem 'Attacked' by Petrakis at end of Summer party at the end of August. I have a Witness that can place him at the scene of the crime. The Prosecution Has No further comments..."

Of course... Looks like it's my turn

"... Um"

Edgeworth looks like he's going to Object...


The Judge stares...

"Mr. Edgeworth you said you have a Witness? Please call them to the stand."

Edgeworth stands normally (For once..."

"The Prosecution Calls Andy Evans to the Stand..."

And just like that... A literal Greek God is on the stand... Can't wait to hear the Testimony...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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