Chapter 7- The Dark Acolyte

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"I feel your fear; you cannot hide it from me. I feel your conflict. You feel the call to the light, but the dark is stronger and can give you all you desire. You know this; you see through the Jedi's lies. Ah! Lord Vader's helmet. You have such a desire to be as powerful as he was. A weakness I easily manipulated."

Kylo's eyes shot to the man's hidden face at this revelation.

"It has always been my presence pulling you towards the dark side. Foolish child, it was I you heard when you begged your grandfather for guidance." The figure cackled evilly, "I have been every voice you have ever heard inside your head."

Kylo felt as though he'd been punched in the stomach. His breath caught in his throat as the weight of what this spectre told him sunk in. It had never been Anakin, Darth Vader within the helmet, who'd shown him the power of the dark side. Never Anakin, who'd spoken clearly of his path when he felt conflicted. The probing abruptly stopped, but the barriers Kylo had created he kept in place.

"Everything Snoke did was on my instruction, precisely as I had planned; everything Snoke taught you, everything you believed was according to my design."

Kylo ignited his lightsaber, taking a furious step forward, staring venomously down the spitting red hilt at the demon before him. 

"I killed Snoke! I'll kill you."

He had been used, as his father had said, for his power, a puppet on Darth Sidious' string. Everything he'd done, everything he'd believed was for a lie. The masked creature Nex reached a hand outwards and shot blue fire at Kylo, knocking him to the ground and throwing him back towards the elevator.

"Anger! Hatred! Good, it makes you strong. It was I who showed you your path to finish Vader's true purpose. It was I who showed you your destiny: a mighty Skywalker, the last Skywalker, to stand at my side. Fully embrace the dark, my young apprentice," Letan almost purred with promise and self-satisfaction.

Kylo rolled onto all fours, struggling to pick himself off the floor; it was an effort. Snoke had regularly used such powers on him to force his submission or to punish him, but the agony coursing through his veins now was unlike any he'd felt before. His breath shuddered from his chest from the effort, but he managed slowly to get to his feet. Mustering all his strength, keeping what element of pride he could, he stood. Head held high, chin raised, his mouth a thin line of stubbornness, he stared callously at the man- Nex, in a statement of acceptance of whatever was to come.

"Such strength, you will be a true replacement of your grandfather. Kneel before your true master!"

Kylo remained standing, refusing to follow Nex's demands, using his physical pain to regain control. That was, however, until Nex extended his hand towards him once more, palm out utilising the dark power of the Force, and Kylo felt his body gripped by invisible hands. No one had ever managed to control him before- no one!

"You are no match for me, my young apprentice. Now kneel!" Nex growled.

Kylo felt his body forced down towards the floor. He tried to resist, gritting his teeth and willing his muscles to stay standing, but they began to burn furiously as Kylo and the man attempting to control him battled. Kylo could feel his bones vibrating on the verge of splintering or fracturing, so reluctantly, he submitted. Kneeling on the floor, he glowered indignantly up at the man.

"This is your destiny, Ren, as it was your grandfather's before you," the grating voice implied.

Kylo felt the hold released and was able to breathe more easily. He eyed the troopers, his Knights, about the room before turning back to Letan Nex with the evil presence of Palpatine squatting within him. He considered the options in front of him, but only one would ensure his survival. He bowed his head.

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