Chapter 3: The First Showdown

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"Do you want it now?" Sinon asked, and the old rascal nodded impatiently.

"One hundred thousand coins." Sinon reached her hand out.

"What? I can't afford that!" he cried. "I only have 80,000!"

"Go fool a three-year-old. 95,000, no lower."

"No way in hell. 85,000."

"90,000. Take it or leave it."

"87,500 is the highest I can-"

"Take it or leave it," Sinon gave the owner a death glare.

"Fine! I'll take it!" The owner pretended to be very unhappy for that price, but I could see the grin in his eyes when he took over the body.

Except he didn't know, Sinon told me that it was worth at most 60,000.

After we were outside, I asked Sinon about custom guns.

"Custom?" Sinon looked at me with a "bruh" face. "I can't even afford that yet. The special edition owners are the only ones that have a custom gun right now."

"There are custom guns for event winners, though," she continued. "We could give the upcoming Deadeye Showdown a shot if you want."

I looked at her in confusion, waiting for an explanation.

"The Deadeye Showdown is a tournament where you battle for points with another player. What's different is it's done in duel style," Sinon explained. "Surely you've seen a duel on TV."

"Yeah," I nodded. "You take 10 steps and shoot?

"Mhm. We have to register at the registration centre as soon as possible if we want to join today's tournament."

I nodded and followed her.

Registration centre.

"Alright," Sinon handed me my card. "Now we can just change into our casual clothes and wait."

Then she started taking off her clothes.

I instinctively looked away, my face red as if I had a fever.

"Hmm?" Sinon looked at me. "What's wrong?"

"Uh..." I stuttered. "I suppose we're opponents now, so it'd be better to separate from here."

"Oh," Sinon seemed surprised. "It's alright, you know."

"You'd better take this time to chill out a bit and focus," I found myself the perfect excuse. "Guess I'll see you either in a match or after."

I waved her goodbye, and she nodded and continued to change as if I wasn't there.

I hastily ran away.

In private change room.

I just got changed into a black hooded cloak when the PA sounded.

"Contestants Princeton and JT, please proceed to the arena. Contestants Phobophobia and Sinon, please get ready."

I turned to face the TV. So Sinon is next, I thought.

Princeton and JT showed up on TV, both in their casuals. The floating camera was in the centre, with the two players the same distance away.

The camera projected directly down a red 10. Both players turned to the opposite directions and started stepping out. Then the 10 turned into a 9. Then 8. Then 7.

When it reached 1, both Princeton and JT turned and fired with a very small gap in between, but JT shot Princeton's shoulder instead of his head. Both of them fell on the ground simultaneously, and Princeton was deemed the winner.

Both of them disappeared. I rehearsed the scenario in my head as Sinon and Phobophobia stepped up into the arena.

Sinon was wearing a bulletproof shirt and camo green pants, as well as a white scarf. I loved scarves; I'd even wear them during summertime, even if I get a heatstroke.

She had a slightly upgraded pistol than mine, a Glock 17. She told me she wasn't used to firing a handgun, either, but she seemed steady. It seemed like she had fired a real pistol before.

Her opponent, Phobophobia, had a Silver Eagle, an upgrade to the Desert Eagle. Phobophobia was a not-too-tall man, but he had a face mask that made him feel like a post-apocalyptic doctor.

The countdown went down again, and when it hit 0, Sinon turned immediately and fired before Phobophobia could pull the trigger. He fell to the ground, and Sinon was the winner.

It was only another 3 duels before I had to go up. This was my debut. The name Aurora will shine.

I walked in, my hand firmly covering my Revolver. My opponent was a man wearing a white robe and a plague doctor mask. His name was Rinfest. He was holding a black pistol with a glass tube that had some green liquid in it. A custom weapon.

The number started counting down, and I started walking away. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4.

Three. I peeked behind me and saw his position. I kept it in my mental matrix so that I could know where to shoot even if I can't see.

Two. I put my index finger on the trigger.

One. I pulled my Revolver out of my pocket.

Zero. I turned to shoot, but my instincts told me there was something dangerous. After hearing Rinfest's gun fire, I didn't get shot, but a green insect flew straight at me. I accurately aimed my pistol down a bit from his head where I was originally aiming at, to the insect that was flying towards me. I pulled the trigger, and the bug exploded on hit, spraying with gross, green liquids. The bullet didn't stop there; it hit dead on Rinfest's chest.

"Not bad. You're on my list," Rinfest laughed in a dark voice before disappearing.

"And here I was, thinking that I was the darkest person," I murmured to myself.

I got teleported out, and 3 points were added under my name.

Thank you guys again. I usually don't have expectations for views, but after my other story reaching 25k views, I think it's fair for me to say that this story must do better. Let's start small: how about 1000 by October?

Anyways, I'll see you guys in the next one. Glitch-Out!


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