Two: The Kiss

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Sophia's POV

When Mike fell into Zayns arms I felt like I was going to die. But he immediately woke back up. "Z-Zayn?" He said.

He wanted Zayn and not his own sister. Then my phone rang. "Sophia. She woke up." It was Alex. "She's alright?" "Yeah. Her arms are cut up and bruised, so are her legs, but she's awake and still Caitlin. She's already wanting to leave."

I smile and say "okay we'll be there in a second. Mike kinda passed out. But he's back up." I hung up. "Mike. Let's go. Caitlin's waiting." I tell him. "Did you tell Chester?" He asks.

Damn it. I forgot about Chester. They're gonna be pissed "Uh-no." Mike looks at me. "Cait is gonna kill us." He quickly calls Chester and tells him everything. Zayn, Liam and Harry (the extremely hot one with the curls) all came with us.

When we got to the hospital we all ran in. Caitlin was awake and pulling Alex's hair because she wanted to go home. "Ow ow ow ow." Alex says. I laugh at her. "You're a shit head. You know that." Mike tells her. "What? What did I do?" She asks laughing at him.

"Chesters coming. He'll be here in 5...4....3...2...1" and Chester walks in. Breathing heavily. "Caitlin, You good?" He asks in between breaths. Caitlin giggles and answers him "yes baby I am"

They start to kiss and Mike and I have to leave the room. As we walk out Zayn asks mike if he could go talk to him for a little.

I had thought about following them but Harry came over and we started talking. Fuck I want his dick. He's so fucking hot I'm gonna sue.

Mikes POV

"What's up Zayn?" I ask. "You okay?" He gives me a stern look and rubs my arm. "Zayn. I'm fine. I just got lightheaded and it just came so fast and-" he cuts me off with "did you hear what I said to you? When you fell?"

"You-you said 'I'm here'. Zayn. Why?" I ask. He touches my arm. "Zayn. Please." I want to pull away but I push myself not to. "Mike. I don't know but when I met you I felt like something was right. Like there was something about you that made me feel right." He's saying exactly how I feel about him.

"Zayn. Can I say something to you and you promise not to say anything to hurt me." "Mike. I promise."

"I really really like you Zayn. Like a lot and I know you don't like me back because you're too fucking perfect to be bisexual, let alone gay." I say. "Mike. I like you too."

I'm startled by his words. He's gay? What? Wait. "Mike?" I like the way he says my name. "Zayn. I don't think you'll want to deal with me and my shit. I have too many things wrong with me."

"You look perfect to me." He says. "I'm not. I get panic attacks. I have anxiety. And I suffer from depression. Do you really want to deal with that? Because I wouldn't!"

My hands are shaking. He grabs them. And folds them in his. His are warm. My hands fit in his perfectly. Like they were made just for him.

"Mike. I do not in any way see you differently than I did before. I still think that you're a perfect person, and to me you always will be." Zayn tells me.

"Mike. I wouldn't want you any other way than you are now. And I want to take care of you. I want to help in any way I can." Zayn holds my arm. I love him. I love him. I love him. No. I can't.

"Zayn.'re the only person that has said that to me. But why? Like why am I perfect to you? We literally just met today and you're already telling me you like me and you want to take care of me. I'm not worth taking care of." I say.

"Yes you fucking are. Do I need to ask Sophia?"- i look over at her and Harry. They're flirting now. "-or Caitlin? Or Alex? Or Tara?" I can't stand this. Fighting with him. He's too amazing.

"No. Don't tell them. They don't know. They can't know. They'll send me to a therapist. I can't stand therapists. They are such fucking liars and hypocrites." I tell him. He looks at me with sad eyes.

"Then-then why won't you let me help you? Mike. Just let me help you. I don't want you to be hurt. You''re too great."

"Zayn stop!" I yell. "Why?" His voice is soft and adorable. "Because I'm not great! I suck. I am a disgrace to this fucking earth!"

Sophia's POV

"Harry. You're pretty cute." I blurt out. "Did I just say that? I'm sorry I just-" "well I think you're cute too." He says.

I want to fall in his arms. His strong arms. "I feel like we should make out." "Well if you're offering." I say. His lips are like plump pillows with the taste of sugar on them.

It was about thirty seconds into it and I then feel a sharp pain on my face. Then I feel the hand that belongs to Caitlin. "OW. REALLY?" I yell at her. "Staaaaaaaaaaaaap."

I can't help but laugh at her. I laugh hysterically. Harry laughs at me. "I am a disgrace to this fucking world Zayn! Don't you get it!" I hear. It's Mike. My brother. Mike. I decide to sneak over and and watch what they're doing.

Mikes POV

"We're not done with this!" Zayn says. "Zayn. I don't understand what's so 'perfect' about me."

"You're a good person. And you're one of the strongest people I know. And I hate to see you all broken like this." Zayn says. He just met me, but I think I love him.

"Zayn. I-" I stop in the middle of my sentence. I put my hand on his unshaved face. "I think-" I pull his so close to mine, I could feel his hot breath on me. "I think I love you Zayn." Then suddenly our lips are locked.




QOTD: what's your favorite food?

Mine is mashed potatoes


So for every chapter I post, I'm gonna dedicate the next to someone with the best comment! So the dedication to this chapter goes to sabbebros12!

Thanks loves!!

Give Me Your Heart {Book One of the Blue Hearts Trilogy} (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now