"Didn't I tell you to stay away from strangers!?" Mum shouted.

I grumbled and let my ears droop in shame.

"Now we have this problem! You know I genuinely thought I lost you!" Mum shouted.

I picked up the notepad again...

I'm sorry!!!

"Where have you been!?" Mum shouted.

I wrote my answer on the notepad...

This Eeveelution family let me in they're home, they were really kind to me.

Then I added something else...

I think I have a mate

"Ehhh?!" Gemma shouted in confusion.

"B-Blake you have a girlfriend - and she's an Eevee?"

I wrote my answer on the notepad...

Yeah! She's a shiny too. Her name is Starlight.

"Aww! - I betcha you are serious right!?" My sister teased.

"Gemma!" Mum scolded.

"It's just a joke mum" Gemma pouted.

"So Blake, do you see them as a second family?" Mum asked me.

Yes, Yes I do.

"Blake do you wanna stay here or do you want to go back?" Mum asked, "I understand you have a girlfriend so I want you to be able to help her and protect her"

At that moment... I regretted leaving... I bet Starley was either going to be upset with me or worried - I just hope I didn't get slapped. However, I wanted to reconnect with my family - whom I've been away from for a while but my worries of Starley made my decision.

I'm gonna go back, I'm worried about Starlight and everyone else. Please understand.

I love you.

"Oh - Well that's okay Blake! But please, visit us okay?" Mum replied.

I nodded in agreement.

My mum gave me my favourite breakfast and let me go, waving to me as I walked into the bush, It took I think five hours to get back to the Eevee house. When I got back, Starley was sitting outside looking at the ground, depressed.

"Why did you have to leave Blake? I miss you so much, it hurts" Starley replied.

"Starley" I said gently to her.

Her head picked up and I watched her eyes sparkle up and a excited smile on her face.

"Blake!" She yelled as she charged at me.

"Uh oh"

She threw herself into me knocking me to the ground, it felt like I was hit by a soccer ball... It hurt, but I shook it off.

"I missed you - please don't leave me again" Starley replied, hugging me tightly.

"Mmf - I'm sorry" I told her, "I-I thought my presence would have made the issue between you and Sosa's family worse then it already was"

She wiped her eye, "What made you come back?" Starley asked.

I smiled, "You"

She got excited and began to kiss me affectionately, "Y-Yeah. I guess my love for you kinda bought me back to you"

She began to nuzzled me and laughed, I could see her blushing, "Thank You for coming back to me Blake. I love you so much"

"Is your dad upset with me?" I asked.

"No, I showed him the note you left, I think he understood why you left" Starley replied, still holding onto me.

"I'm just glad to be back" I told her.

Then I looked around and noticed no one was here, "Where's your family?"

"They went hunting" Starley replied, "I didn't feel like going because I wanted you to come and protect me. But here now, heh heh"

I think she smelled the food my mom made for me because her nose twitched in curiousity, it was still in the container she gave me.

"What is that delicious smell?" She asked.

"Oh my mum made this for me... Do you wanna try it?" I asked.

"Yes please! - Just don't tell my dad, he'll go on about how he think humans try and poison us" Starley warned.

"Sure" I replied.

She kissed me and let me open the container before we devoured the food. Once we finished eating I put the container next to my pillow and let Starley cuddle with me. Now that I was back, I knew what the hell was going to happen if I came in contact with Tiono or his idiot son, but at least Starley was here and like anyone or anymon, you would be able to agree that positive outlook on a decision is always a good thing to look at. I love Starley, she loves me. That's just the way it is.

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