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I wake up the next morning, still unsure if last night really happened. Especially the part where I talked to Shawn Mendes in a dark room, and where he was actually a nice and genuine guy, and when he asked for my phone number. I mean, I don't know how straight guys become friends, but I pull that move when a guy is hot and I want to get to know him better.

I get up and make myself some coffee. It's already 11 o'clock, which means I slept in a lot later than usual. Good thing I have nothing to do today. I check my phone as I feel the caffeine wake me up all over, when it dings as I was watching the Instagram stories I missed last night.
"Hey Adam. I really had fun chatting with you last night. It was refreshing not getting my ass kissed!"
I don't know why I'm surprised; he asked for my number, of course he was going to use it. I click on the message as I try to come up with a clever reply. I guess it takes a bit of time, because already, a new message appears.
"I hope you remember saying that..."
Wow. A double texter. Really?
"Yeah I do! Don't worry. It was fun talking to you too. I had no idea all the attention affected you like that."
What am I supposed to say? I don't know what he wants... And I honestly wouldn't know how to ask him.
"It's not something I really like to broadcast, to be honest. But thanks for letting me be real."
A few minutes pass where I don't want to leave him on read, but I have absolutely no idea what to tell him.

I put my phone down and go get a refill of coffee. Yes, downing all those vodka sodas and a full bottle of wine means a few cups of coffee will be necessary to manage the pounding headache. I open the fridge to make myself breakfast when my phone dings again. I check it to see Emily's text pop up at the top of the screen, and the grey bubble with the three dots at the bottom of my conversation with Shawn. I immediately exit it and check what Emily had to say.
"So are you gonna tell me, now?"
"What?" I sent back, clueless.
"What happened in the bedroom! Why did Shawn Flippin' Mendes ask for your phone number! You faked sleeping last night in the cab to avoid telling me, remember?"
I did not remember that.
"Uhm, sorry! And really, nothing happened. He just came in, and I said 'can I help you' and he didn't know someone was in there. He just wanted a break from all the attention, and I didn't kiss his ass, so I guess to him that was different."
"Omg, Adam! Do you think he'll actually text you?"
"He already did..."
I send her a screenshot of my conversation with Shawn. When I go in there, I notice the bubble is gone. I don't give it much more thought since Emily texts back a bunch of random letters in excitement.
"What does that mean? Adam, do you think he's also into guys? Like, he sounds into you."
"Em, don't be crazy. He likes that I wasn't all over his ass for an autograph and a selfie. He knows nothing about me."
"Always the pessimist, Adam! That's why you need me. To show you there's a little bit of good everywhere. Remember, turn on the light."
I send back the candle emoji and go back to my breakfast.

I just have one of those lazy days where I don't really do anything, and that's just what I needed. My phone is always close, but I'm mostly watching this new series on Netflix and getting really into it. I can't concentrate if I'm also scrolling on whatever social media app! I keep my eyes on the TV when the phone screen lights up and catches my eyes, so I pick it up. I have a text from Shawn. Again, surprised he's using the number he asked for, I slide the notification to unlock my phone.
"About that. Would you want to hang out tomorrow?"
Well, this is confusing. My heart starts racing and my palms are a bit sweaty. I'm nervous? Why? I should just find an excuse to decline his invitation, I mean, this makes no sense! But I think of Emily, and what she would do in that situation. So I close my eyes and hit send.
"Sure! Where do you want to meet?"
"I was thinking Queen's Park? I haven't seen it not under construction in a while."
Oh that's cool. If we're walking and chatting, I can definitely get a better sense of why he wants to see me, of all people.
"Okay. Does 1pm work for you?"
"Yep! Awesome. See you, Adam."

I don't think this demands an answer, so I lock my phone. Well, I guess I have to start that episode over!

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