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I work for a top Marketing Firm in Los Angeles. There we handle marketing projects for some of the most elite companies known around the world. The environment that I work in is very fast paced. So if you miss one day of work its like you missed a week or two worth of knowledge. We have many projects and campaigns brought to us daily that come with detailed specifications and deadlines. Some of the campaigns we’ve worked on have had tight deadlines to where there was only a week given for its completion. The job can be stressful at times but at least its not boring. There is always something happening that keeps us workers moving and interacting with clients.

I took a turn as I instructed my phone to make a call to my fiancé Aaron. I had a car where my phone could link up to the sound system making hands free calling safe and effective while on the go. 

The phone barely got through the first ring before I heard his deep familiar voice on the line. That voice being of Aaron Daniels the man a week from now I would be calling my husband. 

Aaron and I have been a couple since high school and even made it through being long distance during our college years. The long distance period during our relationship took a bit of a toll on us but we made it through. Even though I’d have to say the distance wasn’t the only hurdle we had to get over. 

You see Aaron is Caucasian and I’m African American. We’re in an interracial relationship that to this day still blows some peoples mind and isn’t accepted.

We’ve never seen color we just see each other for the people we are on the inside. Making it through the backlash of our difference in race and the distance between us in college proved that we could make it through anything together. We had built our relationship on a strong foundation that started with friendship and understanding. Knowing we were so solid made the thought of marriage a no brainer. He was the man I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

 When Aaron proposed to me it was a complete surprise though. My family and friends were all in on it leaving me in the dark. But life has little surprises so I appreciated and was grateful for the lack of knowledge I had of his proposal before it actually happened. 

“Hey baby,” Aaron said. 

I continued to drive down the wet road being as careful as I could with every turn. The road was so slick and the rain was coming down very hard. 

“Hey. I’m headed home,” I said. 

As I spoke I heard a timer go off in the background. I smiled to myself thinking Aaron must be in the middle of trying to cook dinner or us to eat tonight. 

One thing about Aaron is he is a sweet caring guy but by no means a cook of any sorts. He was good at most things its just when he got near a kitchen all bets were off. He can barely make toast for breakfast without burning the edges of the crust.

“Babe are you trying to cook dinner for us tonight?” I asked. 

I heard the sound of a box being opened and that made me automatically think of an at home pizza. You know the ones you buy in the frozen food section at the grocery store. 

“Was there something special you wanted for dinner tonight?” Aaron asked.

“No… but I can’t help but think you’re already making an at home pizza,” I said. 

“How did you know?” Aaron asked. 

“I could hear the preparation in the background,” I teased. 

I made a left turn as the rain began coming down even harder than before. I was hoping it would lighten up just a bit until I got home. I never was one that liked to drive in the rain. I didn’t like the heaviness in raindrops or the sound of thunder when it got stormy. 

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