A day in life

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"Don't worry I'll always be with you."

"So what your family like?" She asked, Ooh didn't see that question coming I wasn't ready to answer it, "well my mom works as a nurse 24/7 and my dad died when I was 5,"

"Oh I'm sorry I did-,"

"No it's fine I'm glad that I have someone that I can't share that with!"

"Well so what about your family what's it like?"

She hesitated just like I did too, "I get it parent issues?"

"Yeah kind of, when I was five we became really poor and my dad couldn't hold a job because he was a alcoholic, so finally my mom convinced him to stop drinking and to get a job, the first job he couldn't get because he had been in jail three times but after he got a job at a seven eleven, but you know here in Queens," she paused to laugh awkwardly "you can get a job at any seven eleven no matter what background you have!" I hugged her

she hugged back

"so what about your mom?"

"Well not soon after, my-m-my dad found out that she was cheating on him and they got a divorce," she still comes home sometimes to say hi to me, Josh and Michael but then it just ends up in my dad yelling at her."

"I'm sorry about your mom, she seems like and asshole." She just hugged me and and soon she was crying she clung to me so helpless it was like seeing myself when I was five clinging to my life, then her brother Micheal came in, oh shit.

"Hey if she starts having little Lukas imma have a talk to you about it,"

"Ah I'm sorry," I jumped away but then hugged her again "she umm she just needed someone to cry to and umm she just broke down."

"Well that's ok as long as nothin is goin on between y'all then it's fine now "come on les go eat sometn,"

We followed him to the kitchen and he put a microwave pizza in the oven and sat down it was pretty awkward but I somehow survived and soon I was home finally alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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