Chapter 7:" First step "

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Chapter 7:" The first step"

Swara was scared about his reaction. The moment he saw her, He simply walked out. While it felt like an big disappointment to her. She was worried about their child. She couldn't handle if he walked out on their child too and she mentally chastised herself for even thinking like that,  It  was her Sanskaar after all.

Swara has been making mistakes after mistake for a long time. And even now keeping it from him was an mistake. But she didn't think she can handle if he accused her of using their child to get back into his life.

She thought she knew her husband but she never realized how much she was losing him by her action until that day when he walked away. She made him walk away,  She blamed herself for making the guy who would trust her to the point of believing everything she said, failed to believe her when she really needed him too.

Swara found out she was pregnant three months later. And she held it an secret for more than over an month. She kept it an secret because the first person she wanted to tell was him.

And she thought he could do it when he comes back for uttara engagement. She didn't think she would be kicked out. She didn't want to cause more problems to uttara Marriage. So decided to wait till the marriage happens . And a week later dida came home.

Swara had to confide in her because she already guessed it correctly .And her dida refused to let her go alone to her check up. She wanted to tell him. She really did, But she didn't and whatever she thought this is not how she wanted him to find out.

Meanwhile Sanskaar was devastated. He didn't know how to react. The last few minutes he spent in fear that Swara could very well be sick and he was wrong to walk away.

But to find she had kept yet another secret from him was heart breaking. He can't blame her, he knows that because he was not present . But he hated the fact he didn't know, He was lost in his thoughts until a hand was placed on his shoulder and an voice spoke up.

" Don't run away again son. It your kid. You can't or shouldn't walk away. "Dida spoke up

"  I am Not running away. I just need a minute. why didn't she tell me . "he asked her instead .

"  You were not here son."Dida answered back.

" I came back two weeks ago. And I was told she with you in banaras. "he explained back trying to fix the pieces together in his mind

"  Probably she should have told you when you came back . I asked her too but she didn't want uttara marriage to be disturbed. She was going to tell you never doubt that . "dida spoke up in her defense .

"  I was not here for her. Not when she really needed me around "he answered back

"Yeah you were not around. But you can be there for her now. Each minutes you are here. She is there freaking out. Don't delay it son. "Dida voice of reason broke through his panic filled mind. 

" What if I said something wrong and hurt her more "he asked her worried about the same

"  Still it better than not being around son. I am not saying it will be better now that you are gonna have a kid. It going to be more tough.But still you need to work it out. Because I refuse to let my great grand child suffer the same fate as my grand child "Dida voice held firm .

"  No ,  My kid will always have me in his life .  Trust me on it atleast "he promised her back.

 "I always trusted you Sanskaar. Even when my Shona was hurt by you. I trust you because I know you. And you will keep my Shona happy. Now go inside before she worry more " Dida assured him 

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