« C h a p t e r 9 »

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"I'm in big danger."

"We know you are. Your too stupid to realize it only now."

"What's the point on stopping him? He'll just do it anyways. Kill him."

"No! Please! I promise greater service. Don't kill me!"

"Haha... does it look like we care? There's no hope in begging. You are only delaying your death."


"Next time, wait for my order. You can't just kill someone infront of me."

"Sorry. He's too annoying."



"Your soo cool! You literally killed 10 men under 2 minutes." YangYang praised me for my work today.

Not boasting or anything but that's not my best. But at least I'm the best in this room.

"Stop congratulating me. Thank your self cause you got out alive without any bruise or wound." I smiled at him.

"I should. Hey, Kun! I'm very cool!" He started shouting that he was cool at Kun.

Kun looked at me pissed and annoyed.

"What?! You gotta admit that he is cool. Right, Kun?" I said teasingly.

"You'll pay for this!" Kun shouted and he raised his hand as if making a sign for revenge.

I started laughing my ass off.

I love my life. Wait, I don't.

I thought and kept laughing.

"Soyeon, pack your things. After dinner, we're going back." Informed Ten.

I nodded and stood up and brush any dirt from my jeans. Let's hope, when I get back, everything is in one piece and everyone is not missing a body part.

The last thing I want to do is implant a fake leg or arm or make a heart transplant. I'll make a brain transplant and transfer smarter and mature minds for those idiots.


After eating dinner, we went back to our respective rooms. We had an hour before our flight back to Korea.

I change my clothes to a plain black hoodie and black Adidas jogging pants and black Adidas running shoes.

"I'm going somewhere! Bye!" I shouted when I was at the door.

I went out before they disagree.

The fresh air kissed my cheeks gently. Metaphorically, of course. I strolled down the park. I remembered when me and my family would have a vacation in the Philippines every year.

We went to different places there because the country has a lot of tourists spot. But what really made this moment a Deja Vu was when we where at Baguio, when I would stroll around the park and feel the cold breeze weep through my skin.

Looking down from the peak of the mountain, seeing how glorious and amazing it was. I miss those times when me and Chan would play around, pretending to push each other in the edge, remembering how worried our parents would be, and my father scolding at both of us while mom holds Somie between her arms.

Then I realized that I, I mean we, can't have that anymore.

Somie is back at Korea, Chan change, and worst of all my parents died.

I sighed. After a few minutes, I went back to the dorm.

I opened the door, seeing everyone downstairs ready to leave. Before they could even say anything, I was already up the stairs.

Took a short shower, change my clothes to a more fashionable yet comfy clothes. I packed some of the things that where still needed to be.

I went downstairs and found everyone looking pissed.

"What? Girls gotta do what they gotta do. Didn't your mommas taught you that?" I asked, pouting.

"No, because our mommas is way better than you and more faster." Xiaojun spoke.

"Let's just go before the main base explodes." Ten said.

"I mean, it's not that bad tho. I'm pretty happy sharing a room with all 21 of us." Lucas said enthusiastically.

I laughed, like hard.

"The base exploded? And you shared a room? HAHAHAHAHAHA, I bet you even shared one bathroom." I wiped an invisible tear out of the corner of my eyes.

"Stop laughing, it's not funny sharing one bathroom. And that happened thrice. If it wasn't them stuffing a fork on the chicken and putting it on the microwave, it would never have happen." Kun sighed.

Then I continued laughing, now with Lucas and Hendery on my side.

They'll just have to carry me or drag me to the plane if they want to get out of here.


Heyo! Wassup? I know, I'm alive. Sorry if I was gone for like 2 weeks.(I bet no one even missed me) Last last week was was my long test(not really exams) and my sportsfest just ended last Friday. I feel like my group will lose beacuse the awarding is next week. But congratulations to me for winning Badminton and Table Tennis. Anyways this is a very very short chapter. I promise that I'll make a long one and post is as quick as possible. If you don't know, I have a new book. Check it out, it's still a NCT ff but the concept's different. Okay, bye♥️♥️♥️
Ps: Happy Bday to Kunhang even though his bday was yesterday.

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