Ways to win against intrusive thoughts

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These are just some tips and stuff to say to yourself I have seen while doing research on the topic or have made up myself

-Visualize your thought as a dandy lion take a deep breath and blow it away. Yes some if the thought still lingers but you drop the stem, hence dropping the thought. I came up with this one myself and it really helps.

-You're not your thoughts and you can choose which ones to follow

Your intrusive thoughts target the thing you fear the most and turn it into some sick twisted thought(s)


Thought: "What if I killed my family/friends?"
Fear: "My family and/or friends are the best thing in my life and I wouldn't want anything to happen to them"

Thought: "What if I'm actually not *Insert your identity(s) here*?"
Fear: "My identity means a lot to me and is a part of who I am, and if I lost it then I would probably loose myself as well"

Thought: "What If I am a pedophile?"
Fear: (If you were/are a victim of CSA) "I do not want to do harm to children like it was/is done upon me"
(If not) "I do not want to harm children or see them harmed in any way"

Also if you fear that you might be aroused by children, then the fear will create false arousal that makes you want to throw up and feel like a monster, but if you KNOW its wrong and it makes you feel that way then you're not one of them

Thought: "What if my intrusive thoughts are my true desires and I'm lying to myself?"

This is a common thing with intrusive thoughts

Think of it this way, if a horrible sicking and/or unnerving thought comes out of no where, its intrusive

Also, simply not reacting to them is NOT a sign that its true, it just shows you're learning to ignore it, and that's a good thing because you're saying "Hey I know this is intrusive and if I react then I'll probably cry and lash out, so lets    n o t do that."

Thought: "What if I don't actually love my s/o?"
Fear: "I love them very dearly and I would hate it if I didn't or if they got hurt"

Also, do you know what these all are?


Not actions

Not words out of your mouth


Thoughts cannot harm anyone unless you act upon them

Also the voice in your head saying negative things, those negative things have positive intentions

Thought: "I'm not a lesbian because I looked/ thought about a guy or acknowledged he was attractive"
Positive side: "I shouldn't let these thoughts stop me from identifying as something that makes me happy and comfortable with myself"

(This could also me a sign of compulsive  heterosexuality, I'll make a part on that later)

Thought: "I don't know which thoughts are intrusive and which ones are my own"
Positive side: "I shouldn't let one stray thought define me as a person"

Also if you mock the thought like say it in you mind in a silly voice, it takes power from it

Or if you call them "Edgelord" or like "Kevin" or something that helps to

Example: "Thanks for the horrible thought Edgelord"

It makes it comical, thus taking power away from it

I don't really know what else to add to this because I'm still doing research and in NO way am I a professional, I've just been having them and did some research and wanted to share it with people who may be struggling with these

And to those people

You're strong

You're amazing

You don't want to act upon these thoughts and thats what makes them intrusive and also makes you a good person

You can do this, I believe in you! ❤️

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