"Thanks Ms. Grant. I can always count on you, can't I."

"You know it."

We laughed. Getting back to work was smooth after that. Everyone said thank you to us for saving the city so many times. It was nice. After a while, I got a text from Cisco saying he was ready. I super speeded Nia, Winn, and I to Justice League headquarters. Barry then super speeded in with Julian and Ralph. A lot of the team was in their own cities talking to family and friends about their identities. It was only Barry, Julian, Ralph, Nia, Winn, Cisco, Caitlin, and I.

"We got a location on Dwyer.", Cisco said. "So should we call in the whole team?"

Everyone looked at Barry and I. It's different now being the leaders of the team.

"I think we should not call the rest of the team in.", Barry said. "They need time with their families."

"I agree.", I added. "Besides, Dwyer might not want to listen to us if it's an entire group. I think only a few should go talk to him."

"Then who better than the leaders of the Justice League.", Winn said.

After figuring out what we were going to say, Barry and I super speeded to a back alley where Cicada is. Dwyer looked at us.

"I saw your news report Flash and Supergirl.", Cicada said. "Or should I say Barry and Kara. What do you want?"

"We have a cure.", Barry said. "It can make you human again."

"And why would I want to take that?"

"Because, you aren't the only one who got hit with the satellite.", I said. "Grace got hit too. She's a meta."


"Yes. But we can cure her and you."

"Is it safe?"

"Definitely.", Barry said. "Even one of our own team members took the cure."

"Well." Cicada seemed to be considering it. "Ok. Let's take the cure."

"Great." Barry touched his mask. "Cisco. Meet us at Star Labs."

Barry and I super speeded Cicada to Star Labs. Cisco, Caitlin, Julian, Ralph, Nia, and Winn came through a vibe.

"More meta humans?", Cicada asked annoyed.

"Well it's either all of us or known of us.", Caitlin said. "And also, I'm the only one here who can stitch you up once we give you the cure."

We then got Dwyer prepared for surgery. Once we got prepared, Caitlin and Julian started surgery. When Caitlin was almost done with the surgery, the lights went out.

"What's going on?", Caitlin asked.

"We're not sure.", Winn said. "I'll go check the power."

"I'll help.", Nia said.

Caitlin and Julian continued surgery while Nia and Winn went to check on the power. I heard with my super hearing Nia and Winn scream.

"Gideon. Contact the whole team.", I said.

"Of course Supergirl.", Gideon replied.

"Kara. What's going on?", Barry asked.

"Something bad is happening.", I said.

Cisco pulled up the security footage. We saw Nia and Winn knocked out and what appeared to be another Cicada.

"Another one!", Cisco shouted.

"I was able to get in touch with some of the Justice League. They are on their way.", Gideon informed.

Caitlin and Julian rushed in.

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